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Chapter Four

“The day… that I left Lucy…”

I groaned and flopped onto my bed and stuck my head into my pillow. Tears streamed out of my eyes and onto the pillow. I hadn’t cried like this is weeks, not since I’d been told Lucy was going to die. I rolled onto back and let the tears streak down the side of my face while I stared at the pattern of glowing stars on my roof. I turned my CD player off when Lucy was finished and flopped back onto the bed, thinking in silence when I was suddenly thrown back into reality by the steady ringing of my phone. I glanced at the clock, 7:35, where had the day gone?!? I reached over and picked up the neon blue receiver off the hook.


“Jordy, it’s me” An almost silent voice rasped out.

“Luce?!? What’s wrong, you sound terrible” I answered, shocked at how she sounded.

“I’m back in hospital, I got real sick when I got home” she explained

“Oh my god! Are you OK? I must’ve overdone you at the mall, I’m so sorry! Is your mom mad?”

“Jordy, it wasn’t you, this has happened plenty of times, forget it”

“But Lucy, I promised your mom I'll be fine! Tell your mom I'm so sorry OK? I don't want her to be mad at me, more than anything! ”

"Jordy! She's fine OK? I was feeling a little sick this morning anyway, so it wasn't even the mall. Dr Peters says I have a chest infection, that's why I'm so sick"

"Oh Luce...I'm still sorry. Does this mean you can't come to the concert?"

“Jordy...have you gone insane?!? Do you really think I would miss the opportunity of seeing Zac, Number One God Of The Whole Freakin Universe run around in front of me, and slowly but surely collapsing from hyperventilation? I don’t think so” she replied and she made me smile.

“Well, as long as you're still coming, I'm not going without you...” For the next half hour we chatted about anything and everything, which basically meant Zac and the concert, us both knowing that Lucy could very well not even be here long enough for the concert. I had overheard the doctor talking to Teresa last week saying her condition was worsening rapidly.

“Ahh, Jordanna? I have to go now, take my bath and have my medication and stuff, when will I see you?”

“Soon, probably tomorrow sometime, is that OK?”

“Yeah, you know I love having you visit me”

“OK, I'll bring you this new video I got from my friend in Australia, she sent it to me today, it's awesome!"
"Cool! This I gotta see!"

"Well I'll make sure to bring it for ya. But, I'll let ya go now, seeya tomorrow sweetie"

“Thanks Jords, love ya, bye” and with that we hung up. I laid back down on the bed and got back to staring at the ceiling and my mind wandering from Zac, back to Lucy, over and over again. Only a couple of minutes after I’d hung up from Lucy, the phone began to ring again. I groaned as I struggled to pick myself off the bed. I sat up and answered the phone.


“Hi, Jordanna?”

“Yeah, this is me, who’s this?”

“Joshua Walker, the manager of the radio station”

“Oh hi!!! I’m so glad to hear from you!” My bad mood had suddenly lifted when I’d heard his voice.

“I’ve been ringing around since you left, and you are going to be one happy chickie after I’ve finished with you”

“Oh am I?”

“You bet. You’re going to love me, because…” He was silent and he was deliberately trying to kill me, I swear...

“Spit it out Josh!”

“OK, OK, I have got, in my hand, two all-access before, during and after backstage passes for you and Lucy to next Saturday’s Hanson concert here in Tulsa! Not only will Lucy have somewhere to sit, but you'll be meeting the guys after the show! I spoke to their manager, and he said there is no problem, seeings as you're in such a difficult situation. Congratulations Jordanna, you're going backstage with Hanson!!!” Josh announced and I barely believed it. Then it sunk in

“Oh my god! You haven’t!?! OH MY GOD!!!” I got up onto my bed and danced around.

“Lucy is going to be so happy!” I cried and tried to remain calm...which was not likely.

“I get it your excited?”

“Oh yeah, I can’t believe this is actually happening, oh my god! You're the king Josh!!!”

“Well, you better believe it. Now, when can you come pick them up?”

“How about now?”

“Now? Umm, that's not really possible, I'm at my house at the moment...I'd doubt you'll be coming around here, it's a fair distance”

“I don't care Josh! Please, can I come get them now? What’s your address?” he eventually gave in, muttering something about station policies or some shit as I grabbed a pen and copied down the addy he gave me.

“I’ll be there in a flash, keep an eye out for me!”

“OK, I’ll see you soon then, later!”

“Bye!” I hung up and ran down the stairs.

“Be back soon Mom! I have to go pick something up!”

“OK, be back by 9:30, I hate you being out when it's dark. You sure you don't wanna lift?”

she called as I bolted out the front door.

"Nope, it's just around the corner!"

As soon as I was onto the footpath I was running up the hill and off in the direction of 11th street, in Western Tulsa.

Chapter 3
Chapter 5