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Full Name: Zachary Walker Hanson
Known As: Zac
Age: 15
Personality: You don't really have time to get to know Zac in this story, the whole time he is either, scared, crying or absolutely shitting himself he is so frightened. A very emotional side of him I guess.
Why Zac: I chose Zac because I wrote this for an English exam, got 80% of it, and I just picked Zac for the hell of it. It had more of an effect on me anyway.

::Full Name:: Michael Barrett
::Known As:: Mick
::Age:: 42
::Personality:: He is one scary guy. You'll get to know this guy pretty damn quick, but just to get you on the right path...he's an absolute psychopath. If he had a proper examination, he would be declared insane. Now you know what Zac has to face...
Secondary Characters

::Full Name:: Lacey Barrett
::Known As:: Lacey
::Age:: 15
::Role:: Lacey doesn't exactly HAVE a role in the story, she is only mentioned. Very pretty, and you don't really need a description, and her character isn't exactly...alive.
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