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In An MMMBop He's Gone was written by me, in my first year of high school (1998) for an english exam at the end of the year. It was rushed, but I still got 80% for it. I re-wrote it about a month ago, so itz a bit better written now...more mature I guess you could say. Don't forget to let me knowwhat you think.

But anyway, the basic plot is about Zac and he gets abducted...I won't go into it too much, you'll have to read it for yourself. Don't take it to heart though, remember this is FICTION. I got some idiots emailing me, telling me how stupid I was for posting it, saying all sorts of bullshit, but I just told them to get over it, there's much worse fiction out there, so please don't email me complaining
Just a warning :)

  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Characters