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Chapter One
The ambulance siren wail would haunt me for the rest of my life.

I closed my eyes, and even though I had never been more tired in my entire life, sleep just wouldn't come. Tears sprung to my eyes and I thought about my mom. Lying in the hospital bed, just...dying. I was completely useless. She was the only person I had in the entire world, and she was dying. The burns were 3rd degree and even though the doctors weren’t about to tell me, she was going to die. I would have to live in a foster home if she died, I knew my Dad would never take me, his booze was more important than I would ever be. I tossed and turned in the hard cot next to my mothers bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking. Suddenly, without warning, beeps and sirens rang throughout the hospital room and nurses rushed in.

"Huh? What the hell is going on?!?" I started screeching when they proceeded my mother from the room, yelling out words only doctors or nurses could understand.

I jumped out of the cot and ran out the door.

"Where are you taking her?" I yelled and I was ignored.

"Excuse me!!! Are you blind and deaf, or just naturally stupid, what the hell is going on?!?" I screamed and a nurse stopped and pulled me aside.

"Please calm down, your mother has gone into cardiac arrest, it would be better if you went back o your room" she told me quietly.

Before shock could even hit, the anger took over. "Cardiac arrest? CARDIAC ARREST? Calm down? Are you crazy? You don’t even know what this is like for me! My mother is dying and you’re telling me to calm down and go back to my room! Who do you think you are?" I screamed into her face.

"I am a nurse and I am just doing my job" she replied quietly.

"Whatever, just get out of my way, I’m going to find my mom" I told her and I pushed past the frail girl and stormed after the bed containing my mother.

I ran up and started talking to the woman, lying unconscious in the bed, burns scolding every inch of her shapely body. Tears sprung to my eyes as I saw her condition and I was locked out of the operating room as they wheeled her in. I threw myself against the door, screaming at the top of my lungs for them to let me in.

"Let me in...LET ME IN!!! She’s my mother for god’s sake, LET ME INNNNNNNNNN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

She was going to die and I was completely useless, I had to do something. I pounded my fists and screamed at the top of my lungs, two doctors grabbing me by the arms and trying to settle me down.

"Let me go, LET ME FUCKING GO! Let me see her!" I yelled and I collapsed on the cold floor in hysterical sobs, crying out for my mother.

"You assholes...if she dies, I’ll never forgive you for this" I told the two doctors and the nurse standing above me.

They gave each other worried looks before turning on their heels and leaving. "I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!" I screamed and I stood up and looked through the little windows and watched them operate.

Sobs escaped my mouth and I could no longer stand it. I was watching my mother die and there was nothing I could do. I went into hysterics.

"LET ME IN! LET ME IN! You can’t do this, let me see her, GOD DAMMIT, LET ME IN THE FUCKING ROOM!" I screamed and I banged the doors, throwing myself at them.

I knew she was going to die, all I wanted to do was see her one last time. Once again the doctors came and this time they dragged me back to my room and locked the door. A nurse came in and tried to settle me down. After 10 minutes of me screaming at her, I couldn't make her budge...I just couldn't see my mom. I collapsed on the bed and the world went black.

Chapter 2