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Chapter One

"Hey Chas, you'd better start moving that ass of yours if we wanna get to this party anytime soon" I heard Tameka calling me from downstairs.

"I know, I'm coming, I'm trying to make myself look at least half decent you know!"

"Alright, just move it"

I sighed. She pissed me off sometimes. She was so pushy. Just because Josh was going to be at this party, she wanted me to hurry up. It was going to be a pretty good party, a lot of people going, and I wanted to look good in case any guys were there that were looking for a chick. I thought of all the available guys and sang along with my Slip Knot CD while I pulled a brush through my hair.

"Up or down Tam?" I screeched down the stairs.

"Down" she yelled back up. We knew each other so well, I didn't even have to tell her I was talking about my hair and she knew what I was talking about. I brushed it so it was perfect and pondered over dying it black. It was a gorgeous blonde colour at the moment, but, black would be cool. Like Marilyn Manson. He kicked some ass. I turned the CD player off and grabbed my jacket, then I grabbed my car keys and raced down the stairs.

"Took ya long enough"

"Shut your face Tam, just coz you wanna hook up with Josh"

"Yeah, so…"

I smirked at her, then we locked the house up and opened the garage to get my car out. It was a rad car, Dad had bought it for my 16th birthday. Having rich parents definitely had it's good side. We got in and I started my baby up. Tameka switched the radio on and the song "Hands" by Jewel was blasting out.

"Ewww!" she cried and she was quick to change the station.

"Isn't it weird…isn't it strange, even though we're just too strangers, on this runaway train…"

"Oh GOD! What is it with these friggin radio stations, they can't play ONE good song! Where's the Slip Knot, or Fear Factory, or Slayer! Fuck Hanson and friggin JEWEL!" I cried and Tameka started laughing.

"Hey, ya know Chasity, that older Hanson, the doofus one, he's gonna be there tonight, Matt's friend invited him"

"Hell no! You're kidding! God, he'll probably get on the table and start singing MooBop or whatever it is they sing!" I exclaimed. Tameka shook her head.

"I swear to god, they are chicks" she said and I nodded in agreement.


I answered and I fished through the glove box for my tape. The drive to Matt's place, where the party was being held, was a long drive. 45 minutes to be exact. I found the tape and shoved it in the player quickly to avoid the stupid song playing.

"Fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for..."

"Yeah baby! THIS is what I call music!" Tameka screeched and I giggled. We continued listening to Slip Knot as we drove along. Only 40 minutes to go…

Chapter 2