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Chapter Two - Same Time, Isaac Hanson

"Tay, can you get the car out, I'm almost ready to go…" I called and I heard a muffled reply. I walked up to the bedroom door and stormed in.

"You two are so hopeless" I said, rolling my eyes. Tay was lying all OVER his girlfriend Jen, I had just wrecked their make out session.

"Try knocking next time" Tay mumbled, embarrassed I'd caught him in his act. Jen brushed down her top and looked at the ground.

"Well, you gonna take me or not?"

"Ike, you learnt to drive 3 years ago, why can't you take yourself?"

"Because you know I'm gonna get totally wasted, so, I'm not about to kill myself in a drink drive accident, am I?"

"Whatever, let's go" he sighed and they both got off the bed and we went downstairs. Zac was slumped on the couch, flicking through the channels on the television absent mindedly. Something was up.

"Zac, what’s up bro?" His head moved ever so slightly so he was able to see me.

"Nothing, just, chick problems"

"Krysi?" I asked. Him and his girlfriend were forever having problems.

"Yeah, her friend told her that she'd seen me at the mall with some other chick, and Krysi got all pissed off at me, and she won't talk to me"

"Oh, WERE you at the mall with some other chick?"

"Yeah, you and Hope. When we went the other week, remember, and you went to the bathrooms, so me and Hope sat at the fountain, and that's when Krysi's friend saw us"

"Didn't you tell her that the chick is my girlfriend?"


Tay corrected me and I shot him a hurt look. I had really liked Hope, then we'd fought over some, stupid little incident which I regretted. We were on tour, and I think we were in New York at the time, and some girl had run up and fully started kissing me, and it was caught on camera. Hope saw it, and psyched at me, and I screamed back, and we broke up, and, yeah. I wanted her back, but she had some, gay ass of a boyfriend…
My thoughts were interrupted by Zac speaking again.

"Yeah, I told her that, but her friend told her it wasn't Hope, it was someone else"

"Well, tell Krysi that her friend needs her vision checked out, and anyway, Krysi is your girlfriend, so she should believe you over her little friend"

"I know that…"

"Look, I'll talk to her, I'm sure I can get everything back to normal, alright Z?" Jenna told Zac and he smiled weakly.

"Thanks Jen, make sure she knows it wasn't me, and that I love her heaps"

"I will Z, don't worry" she answered and he smiled, then got up and went upstairs.

"Jen, you're a life saver. When he has problems with Krysi, we always end up in shit with Zac" I told her and she smiled.

"I know, I've been on the end of one of his hissy fits over her, and I tell ya what, that guy has got one hell of a temper for a 14 year old"

"No shit, now let's get going" I said and after yelling a goodbye to mom and dad, we scooted out to the car and piled in Tay's truck. Jewel's song, "Hands" was playing and Jen turned it up.

"I haven’t heard this song in ages"

"Me neither"

Tay said as he pulled out of the drive. We sped along the road and made small talk until we arrived at Matt's place 10 minutes later. We almost didn’t make it. Tay had nearly killed us all about 3 times.

"Remind me never to drive with you again Tay" I said as I climbed out.

"Shut ya face Ike, if I don't pick you up tonight, you'll be walking, so you owe me. Now DON'T diss the driving"

And with that they were gone. I was greeted by about 10 of my friends as they ushered me inside. The sun had long ago gone down, and it was pitch black outside. Great for making out where no one can see you. I thought to myself and I smirked.

"What's so funny Hanson?" Jake asked and I shook my head.

"Oh, ahh, nothin"

I answered and he turned back. We entered and music blasted out of at least 9 or 10 speakers everywhere. Matt was loaded, and his parents let him have party's whenever he wanted. They even supplied the alcohol. I was kinda uncomfortable around Matt and some of his friends, they were all full feral. Like, they listened to death metal, and here I was, with my pop and soft rock. I saw a couple of gothics laugh as I walked past them, and I just followed the group into the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home Ike, beer's in the fridge, chicks are out there, so, go for it"

And before I could say another word, they left the kitchen and were off to find there other friends. I was starting to regret coming to this party… I sighed, then sat on the kitchen bench and stared at the roof

Chapter 1
Chapter 3