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Chapter Eleven - Chasity


I screamed at the top of my lungs as I watched him walk right into the path of the car.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

I kept screaming it over and over and I saw his limp body lying on the sidewalk, the driver of the vehicle rushing out of the car and over to him. I reached him first and I fell on top of him. He was bleeding from the side of his head, near his temple, and my heart leapt to my throat. My stomach started to rumble and I felt the vomit makes it way up my throat.

"Call an ambulance" I rasped, before leaning over the bushes and starting to heave. I heard the rush of footsteps and the steady screaming of the lady in the passengers side.

"911! I need an ambulance! I NEED AN AMBULANCE NOW!" the man screamed and I heard him tell the operator our location before running over to me.

"Excuse me miss, you're going to have to help me, please, he just walked straight in front of the car"

"I KNOW THAT! I SAW OK?!? And I'm sorry" I screamed and he backed up.

"He was on drugs" I whispered and the man leaned in.

"Excuse me?!?"

"I said HE WAS ON FUCKING DRUGS!" then, the effect of the powder I'd been snorting all night finally got the better of me, and I passed out in a puddle of my own vomit…

Chapter 10
Chapter 12