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Chapter Twelve - The Next Week - Isaac

My eyes slid open and I grimaced in pain.

"What the fuck? Where am I?" I rasped and I heard a gasp and footsteps.

"Ike? Isaac? Are you awake?" My eyes started to focus on the woman standing above me.


"Oh my god, Walker! He's awake!" she yelled and my head pounded.

"Mom, hold off with the yelling"

"Oh, I'm sorry baby. I can't believe you're awake, we... we thought we'd lost you" and I heard her start to cry, then I heard more footsteps. I saw my dad standing over me.

"Isaac, you're awake" he said and I stared at him blankly. I had no idea what was going on.

"Where am I? What's going on mom?" I asked and her eyes started to fill with tears again.

"Ike honey, you're in the hospital, you've been in and out of a coma all week. Don't you remember what happened?"

"If I did, I wouldn't have asked" I snarled and she had a sorry smile on her face.

"Ike, you were hit by a car, and it was your fault. Please tell us why, you were on drugs baby? Is something wrong with how we treat you? Is it the pressure, of what you are? We've told you that you can stop anytime you want, please, tell us WHY you turn to drugs honey, we really want to know"

she said as she started to cry. And not just cry, she seriously started to bawl her eyes out.

"Mom, I don't know OK, I don't even remember anything, just let me get some more sleep"

"Come on Isaac, you have to help us out here" Dad urged and I started to get angry.

"Just leave me alone, I'll deal with this in my own way" I growled and I heard him sigh, then he grabbed mom by the hand and guided her from the room. Man, I was so confused, and all I wanted was to sleep…

Chapter 11
Chapter 13