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Chapter Thirteen- 3 Weeks Later - Isaac

I was on the road to recovery. I had been discharged from the hospital 2 days beforehand, and during my stay, after being taken from intensive care, I'd been going to drug rehab everyday. Mainly for my marijuana problem. I'd been doing that steadily each and everyday for more than a month before the accident, and I needed to kick the habit. I'd found out what had happened, and I vowed never to touch another drug for as long as I ever lived, and I also ruled out seeing Chasity anytime soon. I'd heard of a big drug bust up at one of the party's a week or so later, and everyone had been charged with some sort of drug related offense. I had received quite a list of injuries from the accident. A broken arm, a fractured hip and pelvis, and the cut in my temple had been the reason for my coma… It had been quite a shock, I mean, I'd been in a coma for christs' sake! That wasn't something you can't get over quickly. I'd been having a trauma councilor visit me throughout my stay in the hospital too, and I thanked god for having such a supportive family. They were helping me get through this, in every way possible. And, Hope…she'd been with me most of my stay, ever since I'd woken up. I couldn't even remember the day I'd gone off at her because I was so wasted, but, I aplogised anyway.
So, my life was slowly getting itself back on track, but it was going at a pretty slow rate. Word had gotten out, and I was known as

"Isaac: The screwed up Hanson who overdosed on drugs and got run over by a car"

The whole world knew, and I sure had wrecked our image. Hanson, the band, was not going to be doing anything anytime soon. I finished filling in my journal, put it back in it's draw, then I got up, grabbed my crutches and slowly made my way downstairs where Hope was waiting for me. I said goodbye to everyone, then we made our way outside and into the fresh air.

"Nice to see you're finally back to normal Ike" I looked at her and smiled.

"I've never been normal Hope, you know that" I replied and she giggled.

"You know what I mean"

"Yeah, I know"

"Well, it's good, hope nothing like that ever happens again" "It won't, not if I have anything to do with it..." I answered and she pecked me on the cheek.

"Where to?" "Anywhere, I'm starved"

I responded as we climbed into the car. We drove off in the direction of the nearest food joint and I thought about how much help Hope had been. She'd really help me get through it all. Besides my plasters and having to use crutches, I was in good shape, physically, but emotionally, that was a different story. I sighed, then decided I was going to try and forget about it for the day. I was out to relax and try and get back to my normal lifestyle. One thing I certainly had learned was… "Drugs are bad…mmmkay?"

Chapter 12
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