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Chapter Nine - Later That Night

"Take me to the fucking party Tay, it's only a 5 minute drive"

"Ike, I told you already, no. I'm going to Jen's place, and that's in the other direction"

"You're taking Zac and Krysi to the mall, what's the difference?"

"Zac isn't going to some drug fucked party over at Matt's place to get wasted with a bunch of low life asses, is he?"

"Right, that's it Tay. You can go to hell, I've put up with your shit all day, I can do what I want, WHEN I want, and if I catch you calling my friends low life asses ever again, you are going to be sorry you ever said a word about it"

"Oh come on Ike, everyone knows about it. I'm sick of keeping quiet, alright? So you go to your little party, get as plastered as you want, I really don't care anymore"

"Fuck you too" I spat and I stormed out the door. I saw Krysi coming up the drive.

"Hey Ike, how's it goin?"

"Krysi, can you do me a favour?"

"Sure" she answered flashing me a perfect smile.

"Get fucked" I said and she raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you too Ike, seeya round" she snarled before storming past me and entering the house, making sure she slammed the door good and hard.

"Little bitch, why can't they all just leave me alone. They can go and shove it all up their asses"

I said to myself as I started the walk down the street to Matt's house. This was going to take a while. Stupid Tay and his stupid morals. He was such a god damn jerk. I don't know how Jenna put up with him. She was a pretty chick, she deserved someone better. Same as Krysi, they could do with some better guys, not some immature little boppers who lived their lives for the fans. They could all just go to hell for all I cared.

Chapter 8
Chapter 10