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Chapter Eight


I called when I saw no one in sight. There was no answer, so I collapsed onto the ground and shut my eyes while waiting for her. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but basically, I couldn't give a rats ass anymore. Tay and Zac were such good little Christian boys, and I was sick of that damn image. I wasn't no good little Christian boy, and Chasity had been the one to bring it out of me, and to make me realise for myself. Hope was such a drag, I liked her and all, but, she wasn't my style anymore. Chasity… now there was a chick more my style. I smiled at the thought of her, then my senses took over. Man, I needed a drink, I thought to myself. Preferably a beer. I chuckled at myself and began to sing.

"Oh what a night… late December back in 63, what a very special time for me, I remember what a night"

"Nice singing Ike, now shutup" I sat up and waited for my head to stop spinning and my vision to un-blur itself.

"Chas!" I exclaimed and got up to give her a hug.

"You want some?" she asked and I nodded. She passed me a small bag and I put it in my pocket.

"So, you up for a party tonight?"

"Sure, whose gonna be there?"

"Everyone, oh, and Helmet…"

"Helmet? Whose that?"

"You don't know Helmet? He's only like the biggest drug dealer this side of Tulsa Ikey, get with the times babe, he makes the biggest and bestest drug concoctions around"

"Well, in that case I'll be there" I told her and she giggled.

"I'll see you there" and she leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"See you around 8" she said and I nodded.

"Cool... later"

I said and I turned on my way. She walked over to her car, and after a quick wave goodbye, she sped off in the other direction. I walked the streets for a while before having to go home because of a psycho fan following my every move. Life was for parties, not pleasing teeny-bopper teen queens by getting up on stage and singing a bunch of songs they didn't even know the titles of. Half our fans liked us for the looks, not the music, the looks, and that PISSED me off.

Chapter 7
Chapter 9