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Chapter Two
I slowly opened my eyes and then whimpered in pain. What the hell was going on?!? I tried to open my eyes but it was so painful it was like they were stitched together and I tried to scream again. “Help me” I croaked but no one seemed to hear me.

I finally was able to open one of my eyes and look around. Hospital room, flowers? Then it hit. What my dad had done to me, why I was here. That cruel, cruel bastard. I looked to my left to see where some voices were coming from. It was all I could do to keep myself from thinking about the pain and crying.

“Leave me alone you dumb bitch, you’ve hurt me enough!”


“Call me TAYLOR!” the voice screamed.

Cool, the short-tempered little shit had the same name as me. I thought and it made me smile.

I gasped. The pain hurt so bad! I looked to my side again when the pain subsided and went on listening. I could see two figures through the curtain, struggling. One tubby old person, obviously the nurse, and a scrawny kid with long dangling hair. It seemed that the little shit was also a girl. Kewl.

“Sorry, Taylor, you know I have to do this, but don’t you want to finish the other half of your tour?”

“Ugh, would you just shutup, your voice is annoying me. And anyway, I would be on tour if it wasn’t for that...bastard”

“I know, it’s not your fau…”

“I said SHUT-UP!”

“OK, I'm sorry hun”

Woah, that kid was so rude! And that lady seemed so sweet too...
It was definitely a boy from the sound of him, he was just a boy with long hair. The weird thing was he sounded really familiar. But I was hurting, and I couldn't think straight, so I turned back over and shut my eyes, sleep was calling to me, and I hurt, I hurt everywhere, especially my head…

Chapter 1
Chapter 3