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Chapter Three
I opened my eyes and found myself staring into the face of a friendly looking nurse. I must’ve been asleep for quite a few hours, it was dark outside.

“How long have I been asleep?” I croaked.

My eyes opened easily this time, they just hurt a lot.

“Hun, I don't know how to tell you this, but you had some severe head injuries,’ve been in a coma” she replied, a sad look on her face.

“What?!?” I cried, it straining my voice to the absolute max.

“For the past week sweetie, like I said, your head injuries are very severe”

“I’ll kill my Dad if I ever see him again, you wouldn’t believe how many times he’s put me in hospital before” I croaked.

“He’s done this to you before?”

“Umm, no, I uhh, well...yeah, a couple of times, never this bad though”

“Oh, I'm so sorry, we were called straight after he did it to you but there was no-one home when the ambulance arrived and you slipped into a coma before we could get your details here at the hospital” she explained and I nodded.

My neck cracked several times and I winced in pain. For the next hour I chatted to her, well, I tried to, it was kinda hard with me barey being able to talk, nd I was about to be moved back into my room with the little shit, this time he was supposebly asleep, not screaming his head off at the nurses.
I was put only on a drip and all my injured limbs were hooked up to keep them out of harms way. I was way drugged up so I couldn’t feel a thing the whole trip back to the room. The nurses left and I was alone with the kid.
Visitors were in and out of the room the whole day, especially the boy’s obvious parents, and these annoying little children kept running back and forth in the room for about an hour while they visited. I didn’t even bother looking at them, there were too many and I had SUCH a splitting headache. I couldn’t even think. There was nothing to do except sleep, so I shut my eyes and decided to introduce myself to the boy tomorrow...maybe.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4