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Chapter Five - About a week later
“When can I go outside?” I asked the nurse when she finally decided to get her fat ass into the room to see me.

I was very irritable. Taylor had been taken away for some physio and I wanted him around.

“Whenever you want honey”

“Well, I wanna go soon, but I don’t want you to take me, I want Taylor to, he said he would”

“I don’t know dear…but he probably won't be able to, he'll be very tired and sore after his physio” “God dammit! He said he would so he is!” I screamed back.

She nodded and silently left the room. I frowned, nurse are so thick! Taylor had told me last night he would take me for a walk in the wheelchair when he got back from his physio, why couldn’t the nurse leave it at that? She entered the room once more, this time with a Tylenol and a glass of water

“OK, I just checked honeu, but if he isn’t in very good condition, I’ll have to take you”

“NO! If he isn’t in very good condition I won’t go!”

“Alright then, I’ll be going now” she told me after handing me the medication and water

“Boy am I going to miss you!” I replied sarcastically and she closed the door. I looked up at the clock, which I could finally concentrate enough on to read. 11:43am. Great. Just great. Taylor wouldn’t be back until around 12:30, then lunch would be served, and then finally he would take me outside, hopefully. I was lucky though. The swelling in both my eyes had gone down and all it looked like was as if I was wearing black eye shadow. Along with that, every single one of my stitches had painfully been removed last night. Other than my broken and fractured bones, I was physically looking pretty good, other than the fact that my hair hadn’t been washed in about 2 weeks. Yuck! I lay on my bed for the next hour thinking. Thinking about what had happened, how Taylor and I had become almost inseparable and about my Dad. Mainly about my Dad. I doubted that I would never see him again. And even though I realized what a total, utter prick he was for doing this to me, no matter how hard I detested it, he was my Dad and I loved him. There was no one else there for me except him.
My mom had died when I was 6 from a car crash when she was drunk and ever since then, I have no idea WHY, seeings as his wife had died from the bad end of alcohol, Dad had been on the grog and when he’d get back from the pub he’d always beat me senseless. The excuses from falling down the stairs were getting old with my teachers so he’d pulled me out of school for a whole year when I was 12 and I’d had to enrol myself the next year at a new school, paying for everything myself. One night when Dad was absolutely paralytic, I’d gotten his pin number out of him. The next day I’d nicked his card and I’d headed off down the bank to get the money for my school fees. Mom had left a heap of money in her will for him so I’d had to break into that. I was lucky no one saw me getting the money or I would’ve been in a heap of trouble and gotten an even worse beating that I did the other times.

I couldn’t believe why he had done it this time though. All I’d done this time was dropped one of his bottles of home brew while cleaning out the fridge and he’d gone ape shit at me. I hated him! But no matter what I did, I couldn’t help but remember the good times we’d had with Mom as a family and realize that I DID love the guy. I hadn’t had a single visitor since I’d arrived the hospital and I had no idea what was going to happen in my life. My only friend in the world at the moment was Taylor.
My thoughts were interrupted at that moment by the door opening and Taylor himself limping in.

“How’s it hangin sunshine?” I asked as I realized he looked seriously pissed.

“I have to stay in this dump for another whole week yet, they aren’t satisfied with the condition my lungs are in or some crap”

“Well, that’s what you gotta deal with when you’ve had a collapsed lung dear” I said

.He grumbled something under his breath before climbing into his bed.

“So I suppose you’re not up for a walk around today?” I asked as I rolled onto my side. It was much easier to move around now I was unhooked from everything. My plasters still got in the way, but it was better than what I had to put up with before

“Oh, yeah, well…”

“Don’t worry, it can wait” I replied, smiling, but inside, I was horribly disappointed

“No... NO. You haven’t seen the outside of this room the whole time you’ve been here, I’ll take you”

“Tay, you’re not up to it, forget about it”

“Tally, I said I would so I will, when should we go?” I smiled as he used my new nickname. I have no idea where he’d got it from, but it was easier for us both than us having the same name. The nurses just called Tay 'Jordan' and me 'Taylor'. I continued,

“We can go whenever you feel up to it”

“OK, well I just wanna rest for a while, so we’ll go after lunch time, k?”

“Yep, I was having fun thinking about you anyway”

“You were thinking about me?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” I replied, a grin taking over my sour face

“I dunno, I suppose I think about you too!” he said, smiling.

I sat stunned. I grinned slyly,

“Good things I hope”

“Definitely” he replied.. I didn’t realize it until then, but I liked Tay. As in LIKE like him. Not a "Oh, I love Taylor Hanson soooo much" teenybopper thing, but now I've gotten to know him, I realised I did. I'd never really liked him like that before, I just thought he was a great musician, but this was pretty cool!

“Well, I’d better let you get back to thinking about me” Tay said after a few seconds of us both being locked in a trance of one another. I laughed

“A bit conceited...aren't ya?” He smiled cheekily and laid down in his bed. I rolled onto my back once again and proceeded staring at the ever so interesting roof, just thinking. No, not about Taylor, but about my Dad again. When I could hear the soft, steady breathing of him sleeping, I rolled back over and stared at him. The curtain between us was rarely shut and I liked it that way. For the next hour or so, I stared at him, thinking about him, his family, the day Zac had come to visit and ended up talking to me more than his own brother (lol), to what was going to happen to me when I got out of here. It wasn’t until lunch was served that Tay’s stomach took over and he decided to awake from his slumber.

“Rise and shine baby!” I said cheerily to him as his eyes slid open. I swallowed the remainder of my soup as he sat up.

“Food” he croaked and I giggled.

“I see your gut took over?”

“You got that right” he answered as he pressed the nurse’s button on the hand control .

Brenda, mine and Taylor’s favorite nurse came bustling into our room.

“What can I do for you honey?”

“Food” he answered simply.

“Anything else sweetie?”

“And drink” I said gesturing to my empty water jug.

“OK, I’ll be back soon, don’t go anywhere!” she called with a smile on her face and a grinned slid onto my own face.

“Is she nice or is she nice?” I asked Tay and he nodded.

“I’d have to say she’s nice”

“Definitely” I replied and with that I shoveled another forkful of food into my mouth.

Chapter 4
Chapter 6