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Chapter Four
My eyes fluttered open and I was happy to find it only hurt a little bit. The rest of my body ached but the nurse had promised she would take me for a walk in a wheelchair today. I was looking forward to it. I squinted to read the clock on the wall but I couldn’t read it. I sighed and tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t even read a god damn clock! I looked to my left and saw the curtain to the next bed open and the boy looking straight at me. I stared straight on back and then took a closer look at his face. Oh my god, I couldn’t believe it! It was…OH MY GOD! No way, this was NOT mind was playing tricks on me...I must've taken a MASSIVE fall. Oh my god, no way! It was Taylor Hanson. TAYLOR HANSON! Oh my fucking god! I gasped then composed myself. My idol was lying in a bed next to me staring straight at me, I could really hurt myself if I got over-excited.

“Hi” he said after a couple of seconds.

“Hi” I replied and he smiled.

“What’s your name?” he asked me.

“I’m Taylor”

“No you're not, I am!” he said, a grin taking over his face.

“Yeah, I know who you are, I'm not sure I believe it, I think my head is playing tricks on me”

"Nah, I'm here in the flesh, it's not that hard to believe...I look pretty bad at the moment anyway”

“Not half as bad as me" I said sadly. "But this is so cool, I’ve been wanting to meet you for the longest time, not quite in these circumstances but still…”

“Yeah, how come you’re in here?” he asked and I looked at the ground as a tear dripped off my face and onto the floor. He didn’t seem to notice.

“My Dad beat me up” Taylor was silent, obviously shocked at how someone could do that to me.

“You’re Dad did that to you?!? That’s pretty bad, I’m real sorry” he said and I didn’t say anything. I heard his bed creak then a thump on the ground. I looked up and saw him padding over to my bed. His gown was stained in blood, fresh blood.

“Taylor, you’re bleeding” I told him and he looked down.

“Shit, my stitches have probably come undone, ah well, I’ll get em fixed in a minute” he told me and he sat on the corner of the bed. After a couple of seconds, and unsure if he should, he leant down and gave me a hug. I couldn’t do much, I was strapped up to all the chords, but I rested my head on his shoulder and let my tears seep into his shoulder. After a minute or so he pulled away and my tears had dried up.

“I feel much better now” I told him and he smiled.

“I’d better go get this fixed up” he said looking down at his gown.

“Hey Tay, oh, I hope you don’t mind me calling you that?”

“No, I’d rather it” he answered and I smiled

“Good, well, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why are you in here?”

“Oh, umm...” he looked at the ground.

“Don’t worry, it's cool if you don’t want to tell me…”

“No, actually, I haven’t talked to anyone about it in ages." He interrupted then continued.

“Well, me, Zac and Ike were in the middle of a photo shoot at this park in LA, and this guy drove straight through all the equipment and bowled me over to. Zac and Ike just got thrown to the side but the guy was obviously aiming for me cause when I jumped out the way he turned and knocked me down then ran me over. I got a few broken ribs and some other internal injuries, plus all these cuts and everything” I didn’t know what to say, I knew he’d gotten run over, but by a psychotic fan chasing him in a park?!?

“That is so bad Tay” I said and he nodded.

“I’m over it, but now we have to reschedule our whole tour because of that freak, but I suppose it’s the price you have to pay for fame”

“No way, you shouldn’t expect that, not for just being famous”

“I know…”

“You’d better get yourself cleaned up, I’ll talk to you after anyway” I said and he nodded, smiled, then left the room. OH MY GOD! TAYLOR HANSON! But look at the state I was in! My eyes were bruised, my cheeks were swollen, I was plastered and bandaged from head to toe. As far as I knew I had a broken nose, fractured cheekbone, my left shoulder had been dislocated, my forearm was fractured, two of my fingers were broken and one my ankles were broken from when he threw me down the stairs. Every other inch of my body was covered in bruises and scratches and I had stitches covering my face and neck. And the person who did this to me was supposed to be someone I trusted and loved. Tears filled my eyes and I began to bawl. It wasn’t until now that I realized how much my father really had hurt me, physically, but also emotionally. I was scared to be touched. I’d almost pushed Taylor away when he’d hugged me, but I’d had to force myself not to. To top it off Taylor Hanson had walked right on into my life, which made me cry more. I finally met the guy of my dreams, in a hospital in the horrible state I was in.
How could he even look at me? I wish I knew.

Chapter 3
Chapter 5