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Chapter Seven
I woke up the next morning after a peaceful nights rest and kept my eyes shut for a moment, enjoying the feeling of total relaxation. When I felt myself fully awake, I let my eyes slid open and I rolled over so I was facing Taylor. I glanced at the clock…8:02. Tay wouldn’t be up for ages yet, he wasn’t a morning person. I had learnt so much about him in such a short space of time, and it hadn’t taken me long to take a liking to him. My thoughts wandered back to the previous night.

I love you Tally

. Did he mean it? He obviously thought I was asleep or else he wouldn’t have said it, I don’t think. I was so happy. Taylor Hanson liked me! I was too wrapped in my thoughts to notice that the culprit of these events was now awake and his gaze was focused on myself. I felt eyes burning into me and I looked up to find him looking at me with a huge grin on his face.

“What?!?” I asked smiling. <>“You look cute when you think your thoughts aloud”

“Huh?” I shrieked as I felt the color drain from my face.

"When you said that you wish that I knew that you liked me too”

“Huh, say that again, you said it too quick for me to understand your jibberish Tay”

“OK, I’ll repeat exactly what you said” he told me and he cleared his voice.

“I wish you knew that I loved you too Tay” he said imitating my voice. I smiled and then went bright red.

“You...heard that?”

“Yes indeed I did ma’am” he answered with a sly smile on his face.

I didn’t know what to say. Then the thought struck me, I was going to embarrass him as much as he had me.

“Yeah, well I wouldn’t have said it if you hadn’t said it to me too”

Tay’s cheeky grin dropped from his face and he turned an odd shade of red. He cleared his throat.

“Yeah, well, um, yeah, no I didn’t” he finally answered.

“You thought I was asleep!” I accused him, smiling.

“OK, fine, I admit I said it, so what?!?” he said stubbornly, then a smile begun creeping its way onto his face.

“Nothing’s wrong with saying that, I’ve been dying to say the exact same thing myself for ages”

“What, that you love yourself?” he asked keeping a straight face. I grabbed a small cushion and threw it at him.

“Hey!” he cried and after it had unattached itself from the side of is face, Tay grabbed it and threw it right on back. After about a minute or so of continuous pillow fighting, we stopped and smiled at each other. I moved over and patted the vacant space next to me,

“Come sit with me” I said in all seriousness, which was uncommon between us both.

We had to talk. He slowly slid out of his bed and he padded over to the bed and climbed in. I laid down and pulled the covers up and he sat up against the backboard of the bed.

“Look, Tay, about what you said, you didn’t really mean it did you?” I asked, not bothering the hide the disappointment showing on both my face and tone of voice.<> “What? Oh, yeah, I wouldn’t just say that for the hell of it, I didn’t really think you’d hear, but, you know…”

“Oh, I getcha, it was just, ya know, I had my doubts”

“Ohhhh, well, now you know”

“I guess I do, but what’s supposed to happen now, you know, we finally find out we like each other?” I asked him not tearing my gaze away from the roof.

“Well, as much as I hate to say it, but, if Dad can’t work this thing out with Mr and Mrs Jacobs, our lives are screwed and we’ll probably never see each other again” he told me and I nodded sadly.

“Yeah, and it’s not like we can go out or anything, the fans and everything. I’d rather stay single than be decapitated” I said and he smiled.

“Well, we’ll see about the dating thing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go out to places and spend time together, you know, stuff like that”

“Hmm” I replied, I was wrapped up in my thoughts. Tay laid down and rolled on his side so he was looking at me.

“You know, I have to go home tomorrow”

“I know, I’m dreading it. I’ll be here for a whole week all by myself!" "Poor Tally...I'll come visit you" Tay said and I grinned. “Thanks man! Yeah, so…” I said as I rolled onto my side so I was looking at him. After a few moments of just staring, Taylor’s face slowly got nearer and nearer to mine until finally our lips connected and we engaged in a slow kiss. About a minute later after our tongues had untangled, we pulled away and we both went a bright shade of red.

“OK, that was my fault, sorry” Tay said sheepishly.

“As if! That was my fault as much as yours" I said.

The excitement of kissing Taylor Hanson was too much for one person to take. Me, Taylor Genevieve Laurel had just kissed Taylor Hanson, and he’d wanted to. OH MY GOD!

“You’ve done that many times before haven’t you Tay?” I asked and he smiled, not embarrassed at all.

“I might have” he answered mysteriously and I playfully hit him on the arm. We both settled down and he slipped his arms around my shoulders. I got comfortable leaning on his chest and I shut my eyes. The door flung open.

“Rise and shine guys…” Brenda stopped and smiled at the scene before her.

“OK, you guys have already woken each other up, well, Nurse Brenda was once again 100% right! I knew you two would get together soon enough” she said smiling and Tay and I cringed slightly.

She had two tray of pills and water for us both and she waddled over to the bed. After observing us both swallowing our pills and checking my drip, Brenda waved goodbye, let loose a wink and shut the door.

“Man, I swear she gets off on embarrassing us!”

I said and Tay smiled as he nodded. We resumed getting comfortable and I shut my eyes, sleep closing in around me.

Chapter 6
Chapter 8