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Chapter Eight
"Seeya Tay, I'll miss ya man!" I called as he was wheeled out of the hospital.

"I'll call you tonight" he yelled and with that he was gone.

I wheeled myself back to the lifts, pressing the button for the paediatric ward. I slowly wheeled myself back to my room, thinking the whole way. Taylor and I had gotten up early and taken a wheel around the gardens to talk. The foster home, or should I saw Mr and Mrs Jacobs had it's application approved and I could move in as soon as I was out of this dump. I couldn't wait! I lifted myself up onto the bed and took a long look at myself. My casts had all been reduced and the rest of my scratches and bruises were gone. Soon I wouldn't have to be in a wheelchair. A walking stick or crutches would be all I'd need. My eyelids went heavy and soon enough I was off with fairies, dreaming of memories past

A Week Later

I was hobbling out of the hospital on my crutches and I turned back to look at it.

"I'll die a happy girl if I never have to step foot in YOU again" I said quietly and I made my way over to the awaiting van.

The cheery woman greeted me warmly and helped me up. My new parents. Francis and Chris had happily fostered me, and I'd been getting to know them the past week, and they were the best parents I could wish for. I was about 7 blocks from Taylor, and my life was back on track. For the first time since my mom had died, I actually liked my life.
I belted myself into the back seat and Chris shut the door. They climbed in and we rolled out of the car park, I just sat there staring out of the window. Finally, I had a new start. I'd had to pay dearly for it, but I couldn't help but thank my dad. He had scarred me for life, but he had also brought me to Taylor.Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about how my family life with my mom and dad used to be before mom died, then I shook my head. NO…I had a new family now, and I was going to get on with my life. I nodded, then turned my attention to the outside view of the van.
A new family, I was getting on with my life, and I was going to like it. No, I was going to LOVE it. Taylor, a new family and I was away from my Dad. What else would I need? I smiled for the first time that day, and looked up at Francis and Chris. Mom and Dad.
My new life was just getting started, and it was going to rock…

Chapter 7
Chapter Index

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