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Chapter Ten - 3 Hours Later
It was starting to get dark, and I was badly dehydrated. If I didn't find anything or anyONE soon, I was going to be in BIG trouble. I had stopped god knows how many times, and I still felt like shit. I needed help. My cheek was all weird, I could feel it all swollen. Probably just broken or something. What else was new?
I was peddling along, stressing about when I was going to find somewhere, when, in the far distance, I noticed a house. Not a ranch style house, but a little cottage, that definitely wasn't the place Dad had taken me.


I screamed and I started peddling as fast as I could. In less than a minute, I had arrived at the house and was running to the front door.

"HELLO?!? Is anybody here?!? HELLOOOOO?!?" I started banging on the door and was almost ecstatic when I saw it start to open.

elderly woman opened the door.
"Oh, YES! Thankyou god!" I screamed and I watched the woman's face.

She had the most SHOCKED expression written on her face.

"Uhh, excuse me? May I help you?"

"Oh my god! I'm sorry, I think I'd better explain..."

For the next half hour, I explained everything that had happened. I was in tears most of the time and I was shocked when I found out where I was. I was a lot further from home than I thought. r>"Umm, where am I?"

"Dear, you're a long way from Tulsa. You're in The waaaay outer area of Missouri"

"I'm WHAT?!?" I cried.

"That's about, 5 and a 1/2 hours away from Tulsa, and from what you've told me, about, an extra hour in driving. You've gone a heck of a long way you know"

"I know"

"Well, you wanna make a call?"

"Yeah actually, umm, at least I know where I am now"

"Yes indeed, well, the phone is over there" she told me, pointing to a passageway table.

"Thankyou very much" I said before picking up and dialing home.

It rang once before someone picked up.


"MOM!!!" I screamed back and there was an excited shriek on the other end of the line.

"Taylor! Where are you?!?"

"I'm in Missouri, I had to ride here, it's a long story, PLEASE, you have to come and get me!" I exclaimed.

"MISSOURI! Oh my god! How do we get to you?"

"Umm, actually, I don't know. Here, I'll hand you over to Jane" and before she could object we were passing phones.

"Hello? Oh hi!" I fidgeted with the buttons on my shirt as I listened to her ramble on about instructions on how to get where we are. I talked to mom and Chris for a couple of minutes before we hung up so they could come. Tay was home. And he knew all about it. He was going to come with them, but they wouldn't be here for about 6 hours. This was big news in Tulsa, it was all over the televisions and radios, our phone had even been tapped and we had cops at our house! Hehehe. I had to smile, it was pretty cool! In a way… I spent the hours at Jane's house eating, getting UN-dehydrated, and just…talking. Jane was so cool. Even for an old lay. Her husband, Kevin, had died 13 years ago, and she had lived here by herself ever since. I felt kind of sorry for her, but, she was still heaps cool. We watched a bit of television, and then, I must've fallen asleep, because, when I woke up, I found myself staring into the eyes of…Jordan Taylor Hanson

Chapter 11
Chapter 9