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Chapter Nine - Taylor Laurel
My eyes slid open and I was immediately scared. It was dark, and I didn’t know where I was. I slowly stood up so the thumping in my head wouldn't start up again and I waited a few moments for my eyes to register to the darkness.

"OK, well, I came from that direction, and I was running to that direction, so, I'm going to have to keep on going then, aren't I?" I answered my own question by starting to walk in the direction I had headed in earlier in the afternoon.

I have no idea how long or how far I walked, all I knew, that not long after, the sun was starting to show itself in the sky and I could see a small ranch style building in the distance. This made me suddenly have a boost of energy and I was sprinting. I'd never run so fast in my entire life! In about a minute, I was within meters of the ranch, and I looked around.
It was definitely lived in, and it was almost identical to the one Dad had held me captive in. There was no car, but, the windows were open, so I tested the door and lucky for me it was open. I entered the house and immediately started to call out.

"Hello? Is anyone home? Please, I need help, is anybody here?" I was frantic, and then I realized.

"Oh SHIT! OH SHIT, OH SHIT OH SHIT!" I started to yell.

Then I collapsed on the floor and started to cry. "How could I be so STUPID?" I cried.

How could I spend all that time, walking straight back to where I came from? The truth was, I was right back at the beginning. The little house Dad had held me captive in. I had gone in the wrong direction, and led myself back to the house. I bawled and bawled, I couldn't BELIEVE my stupidity! Then I jumped up. The phone! That's what I needed! The freakin phone! I ran to the kitchen and saw the black phone sitting on the table. My tears subsided as I picked up the receiver and started to dial Tay's cell. Hang on, what the hell was I doing? He couldn't help me! I needed the police, and Fran and Chris! I hung the phone up, then dialed home. It rang eight times before the answering machine picked up.

"Hi, you've reached the residence of Fran, Chris and Taylor. We are unavailable at the moment, but please leave your message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye"

"SHIT" I yelled as I heard the beep. "CHRIS! FRAN! I'm here! Please, come home! Dad's taken me away, and I need someone to come and get me! I don't know where I am, and I'm going to have to go and find help before he comes back. He wants to kill me mom, he wants to kill me! Please, come home, I need help. I'll call you as soon as I find help, please, come home…"

That was when I cracked. I started to cry, I wanted to go home. I wanted none of this to have ever happened, and I wanted to be home with Taylor. He was due to arrive today, and if none of this was happening, I would be welcoming him home, and telling him how much I wanted him back.

"And mom, if I don't come back, please tell Tay I love him" and with that, I hung up the phone, wiped my eyes, then grabbed a drink and sandwich from the tiny refrigerator, and was out the door like my ass was on fire.

"Right, now, where was I going to go?" I went around the back of the house to see what I could see.

I almost jumped with joy with what I had found. A bike! An old, rusted bike!

"Oh my god! YES!" I screamed happily and pulled the bicycle from against the wall.

Cobwebs flew off here there and everywhere, but I couldn't care less. I was on that bike and pedaling down the road in record time.

"Thank god, this is gonna save me time" I said to myself.

I spent about an hour, peddling and peddling, making sure I wasn't going in circles. I entertained myself by singing the whole Middle Of Nowhere album. It DID match the circumstances. I giggled. I was so stupid. It must've been the middle of the day, because once again, the sun was beating down on my back. I could feel my shoulders burning, and it was really painful. But still, I had to keep on going. I pulled over after a while of riding and hid the bike in the bushes while I just laid down for a while. I was lucky, because while I was resting, Dad drove past in the car. If I had been riding along…I DON'T wanna go there. But, I knew if I was caught by him, I would be a goner, so I had to be careful.
I finished up my sandwich, and drank as little water as possible to save it, then I was back on that old bike and riding down the road.

Chapter 10
Chapter 8