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Chapter Seven - Taylor Laurel, Same Time
My eyes slid open and I whimpered at the pain in my head as it hit me like a thousand bricks.

"Where am I?" I rasped and I heard a laugh.

"Well, the princess has finally awoken from her slumber" I looked to my side and saw my Dad.

"What do you want you damn asshole" I spat, and I instantly regretted it.

He slapped me across the face and I slumped back onto the floor.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

"Because, you were the one who sent me to jail, so YOU are the one who is going to pay" I almost laughed.

This was an absolute JOKE! "Well excuse me, maybe if you weren't such a drunk and didn't beat the living hell out of me everyday of my life, you WOULDN'T be in jail. I'm sorry for being knocked out and not being able to keep myself from the hospital" I replied sarcastically and the frown on his face deepened.

"I would've thought you'd have learnt by now Taylor" he replied, delivering another blow to my face.

I winced, waiting for another one to come. It didn't, and I slowly opened my eyes back up.

"You know that isn't the way of it anyway" he said simply, turning his back and heading towards a kitchen-type-place.

"Oh yeah? Well you tell me the way of it then" I knew I was pushing my luck.

"I don't want to hear another word from you Taylor, so you shut your face before I do it for you" he called from the kitchen and I laid down and started to cry.

This was useless. I was tied to this…bed, or whatever is was, and I stunk, and I was a mess, and most of all, I missed my Taylor. He was the first one I thought of. Not Chris or Fran, but Tay. I loved him so much, and at the moment, I wanted him more than anything. Tears streamed down my face, and I heard Dad talking to someone on the phone. The phone? THE PHONE! There was a phone! I bolted up right, and immediately regretted it as my head started to pound.

"Oh, dude…this is fucking weak" I moaned to myself.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. There, on the table, was a phone. Dad held the other end of it, but it was still a phone. He looked up and saw me standing there.

"Would you hold for one minute?" he asked politely, then he covered the hand piece.

"Would you keep your god damn ass out of here before I come and kick it to next year?"

"Sorry" I replied, then I left.

I returned to the living room and slumped onto the couch. This sucks. I wish I could get a hold of that phone! I looked around at my surroundings. The window was barred, the couches were tattered pieces of something you wouldn't even classify as furniture, the TV was nothing but a fish tank (!) in disguise of a television set, and the table was all, like, eaten away. It was disgusting. And it stank like shit. I saw the front door and decided to take a chance by seeing if it was open. I crept past the doorway, making sure he couldn't see me, then I hurried to the door. I tested it. Damn, it WAS locked. A dead bolt from the inside. It needed a key. Maybe he wasn't as dumb as I always thought he was.
I looked in the little box on the little table next to the door. There, was a key. I chuckled. He WAS a dumbass.

"What a jerk" I said aloud to myself as I slid the key into the lock.

It clicked, and I quietly opened the door. I didn't even bother shutting it. I ran out into the street, ignoring my pounding head and aching joints. We were basically, in the middle of nowhere. It immediately made me think of Hanson.

"Tay, I need to talk to Tay" I said to myself.

I had NO idea where we were, so I was going to have to walk. I figured it mustn't be that far, now, all I need to do was pick a way to go.

"Left or right, left or right" I said to myself quietly.

I had to pick quickly, because Dad would be after me in any second.

"Right" I decided suddenly, and I started to run.

It hurt like absolute hell, but if I was going to do this, I was going to have to ignore little things like that. There were trees on either side of the dirt track, so I ran into them, at least Dad wouldn't be able to see me if he came looking…I hope.
I continued running until I could run no more. The sun was beating down, and I had no air left in me, and not to mention the pain I was in every time I took a breath. I stumbled behind a large rock and collapsed. This was going to have to wait. Just for a little while, I needed to sleep, I really needed to sleep…

Chapter 8
Chapter 6