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Chapter Six - The Next Morning
"Tay, get up, we've got a press conference to get to in an hour, and you're not awake yet, Dad said to move your ass" Zac poked his head through the curtain and woke me from my "beauty" sleep.

"Zac, piss off" I said before rolling over again.

"Christ Tay, just get over yourself would ya? Anyway, Dad said, so move your ass" he ordered before shutting the curtain and storming down the passage.

I sighed, then opened the curtain and stumbled down to the bathroom. After having a quick shower, I made myself look presentable, and I soon knew we had arrived at the conference when the occasional shriek became loud, deafening screams.

"What the hell is wrong with these girls, why can't they shutup for just 5 minutes? Stupid, little skanks" I muttered to myself.

All these desperate teeny-boppers thinking they could score with one of us. Fat chance. Ike had a girlfriend, Bethany, who was gorgeous and she totally suited Ike, my sights were set on Tally of course, and Zac was hooked up over some Aussie chick he'd met at a concert or someplace like that, I think her name was Krystal or something. Who knows, all I knew was that we were all taken, and none of those teeny-boppers had a chance. I chuckled to myself, then after a quick chat with the rest of the family and crew, we opened the bus and were escorted to the front of Planet Hollywood. I sighed, this, was going to suck…

Authors Note *Short chapter...I know*

Chapter 7
Chapter 5