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Full Name: Taylor Hanson
Known As: Taylor or Tay
Age: 17
Personality: Tay is a bit more insecure than in the first Why Me? story, because of the situation Tally gets into, and that they've broken up I guess. It really tests the strenth of their relationship and he's really cutie in this, the way he treats her.
Why Tay: *See "Why Me?" Characters*

::Full Name:: Taylor Laurel
::Known As:: Tally
::Age:: 15
::Personality:: Like Tay, she is a bit more insecure in this story, and it also shows how strong-willed and mentally able she in this story. Great personality and character she is :)
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::Full Name:: Clarke Laurel
::Known As:: Clarke
::Age:: 42
::Personality:: This guy has been declared officially insane and is in an institution. Until he escapes and comes after Taylor that is. A very scary man, and like the guy in 'In An MMMBop He's Gone' this guy is a complete and utter dickhead, but an intriguing character in itself.
Secondary Characters
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::Full Name:: Francis Cooke
::Known As:: Francis
::Age:: 46
::Role::Is Taylor's foster mother and an amazing one at that. She treats Tally with the upmost respect and Taylor is lucky to have her. Would defend her in any situation, to sum her up a kind, but ageing lady.
::Pic Coming Soon::
::Full Name:: Christopher Cooke
::Known As:: Chris
::Age:: 49
::Role:: Chris is Tally's foster dad and he isn't really mentioned that much but he is a WAY better father to Tally than Clarke had EVER been to his daughter, after his wife died that was. So Chris is a caring, heavy christian kinda guy, but he isn't really in the story much, but is still a vital character.

::Full Name:: Jackson Brown
::Known As:: Jack
::Age:: 17
::Role::Has the role of Tally's current boyfriend at the start of the story. Like most of the other characters he isn't into the story that much, but still needs a place on here. He's pretty hot, and that's the main reason Tally went out with him even though she regrets it and knows it wrong. Basically he's a normal, horny, car-loving teenage guy, who really couldn't care for a girlfriend but just does it for status. Still a vital character :)
::Pic Coming Soon::
::Full Name:: Jane Roberts
::Known As:: Jane
::Age:: 81
::Role::Jane is the lady who Tally finds when she is in desperate need of help while on the run from her dad. If it weren't for Jane, Tally wouldn't have lived. So Jane is in fact VERY important to the story. She is an old lady, widowed and living alone in the middle of nowhere, just her cat to keep her company, and itz kind of sad, her to be all alone at that age. But she chose the way she is, and she is a very wise old lady :)

Why Me? The Sequel
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