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Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
hi guys

Spike's Ghost says:
verily! Thou hast caught me in middle of walking to watch raw

5 by 5 says:

Spike's Ghost says:
now that I have your attention, I'm going to watch raw.

5 by 5 says:
fine then

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
dlol. we can have a private party after he leaves baby

Spike's Ghost says:
I'm out. Be back in dos horas...yo momma. up yo ass with mobile gas chodemaster
Spike's Ghost has left the conversation.

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
KatFan wants your IM name

5 by 5 says:
mine? no!

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
I'll go get the chocoalte syrup skittles

5 by 5 says:

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
(from AIM CHAT)
TheKatFanSays: What is Skittles IM name?
vgws42: ask Zak
TheKatFanSays: Zak isn't on.
vgws42: she says don't give it to you
TheKatFanSays: Skittles says this?
TheKatFanSays: Lies!

5 by 5 says:

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
all alone....
*plays "Best of Japanese Anime" on stereo*
So, *pours Dr.Pepper/Vodka mixture* How YOU doin?

5 by 5 says:
lol. hey i want some!

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
*hands glass to skittle*
Have a seat on the pleather couch baby
*dims lighting*
So, I'll ask you a question and you be honest ok?

5 by 5 says:

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
*puts arm arourd skittles*
*leans head on VAVAVOOM bossoms*
What do you think about....

MST3K? I always thought Mike was funnier

5 by 5 says:
MST3K? Sorry, my mind is totally somewhere else

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
where baby?
am I moving too fast?

5 by 5 says:
lol. it's not you. i've got a headache

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
*scoots to opposite end of couch*
That's what they all say
I'll be off to cry myself to sleep now

5 by 5 says:
*scoots over* serious

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
oh, wait, I'm not Zak

5 by 5 says:

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:

5 by 5 says:
lol. you win

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
I still don't buy the headache thing
*puts arm around skitty*
next question...

5 by 5 says:

****FIRED (up!) JOHNNY**** says:
Have you ever swallowed....