The son of a priest, Talécanar was always destined for the priesthood. His inquisitive nature and obvious intelligence led him directly to the schools for temple sorcery, where he discovered great delight in magical experimentation. Indeed, he was generally acknowledged to be the school's best pupil. However, he never gained any significant rank within the priesthood - he spent far too little time and energy of doctrine, being absorbed in his studies. he had a delight in unusual (and often slightly dangerous) magical studies. As a result Talécanar found himself banished to a minor shrine on the borders of the Deserts of Lamentation, where he spent his time alternately helping the few semi-nomadic tribesmen in his area and repairing a sorcerous watchtower erected during the Cycle of the Keystone Restored to prevent any further incursions of the desert raiders, but by then fallen into ruin. He didn't mind the lack of rank - but the isolation told on his basically gregarious nature. He eventually encountered a Dymerian adventurer called Garicus who came staggering out of the desert after a vain search for the fabled lost temple of Shalimar, and the two of them became friends. Garicus used the Watchtower as a base for several further expeditions and was living there when Talécanar rescued an enchanted sorceress named Endamar who had been transformed into a bird. Together the three of them began to travel further afield, adventuring exploring local mysteries.
Eventually Endamar and Garicus became married, but although Talécanar has always nursed a quiet passion for her, this is one secret he has never shared with the other two. About the same time, the priesthood found out that not only was Talécanar neglecting his assigned duties, but he was consorting with an unknown and potentially dangerous sorceress. But when two blackblades came to take her away for questioning, Talécanar sided with Garicus and drove them off.
Since that day, he's been on the run. He helped Garicus with a theft of some lore-stones from the great temple at Sarnac - as gesture of defiance - and the priesthood has been looking for him ever since. Twice they've nearly caught him but with help from Garicus and Endamar, he has escaped. As a result he is devoted to both of them - although he hides it under jokes, they are his only family now.
Talécanar is of medium height, strongly built with shoulder length dark hair and a short, neatly trimmed beard. He has grey eyes and the typical Eochail light complexion. He tends to be fairly quiet in conversation, but when inspired on a subject - usually related to magic - his eyes light up and he becomes animated. Apart from Endamar, his only love is magical gadgetry and he can devise pretty much any sort of device given time. Although all of them look pretty ramshackle, he's actually very good at what he does, having combined temple training with study under several masters of the art in Karmorvus.
Char |
Val |
Cost |
15 |
10 |
12 |
6 |
11 |
2 |
18 |
16 |
17 |
7 |
17 |
14 |
12 |
2 |
16 |
3 |
PD |
4 |
1 |
ED |
3 |
1 |
3 |
8 |
5 |
0 |
22 |
0 |
32 |
0 |
Total |
70 |
4 |
± 1 with swords |
4 |
± 1 with swords |
6 |
Cost |
Powers and Skills |
2 |
FAM: common melee weapons |
3 |
+1 CSL with swords |
66 |
Spells of Thaumaturgy: 60 pt pool. All powers take: Gestures and Incantation (to start, 1/2), full turn (-1), Skill roll (-1/2), Focus (various bits of gadgetry, powders and potions, OAF, 1), Concentration (1/2 DCV, throughout, -1/2), Requires Mana (-1/4), powers only change in laboratory (-1/2) for a total of -4. |
11 |
Magery (16-) |
3 |
Scholar |
2 |
KS: Thaumaturgy 12- |
7 |
Lang: Eochail (native, literate), Language of the priesthood (conversation), Dymerian (conversation). |
4 |
KS: Eochail priesthood, KS: Religious rituals (12-) |
6 |
PS: Woodworker, stone worker, metal worker (all 11-) |
It is impossible to say exactly what Talécanar has on him at any one time, because he is always tinkering in his workshop. The only thing which is sure is that he will always have his full 60 points of gadgets potions and the like on him. Typical items include potions that allow him to change his shape, a cloak that allows him to become invisible or fly, etc. He almost always carries some kind of charm to shield him from detection - he's still worried about the priesthood. If he is expecting trouble, he will certainly be wearing magical armour, and have a number of dirty trick spells up his sleeve (entangle spells, blinding spells, etc.). Although a tolerable fighter, he prefers to attack foes who are at a severe disadvantage. He will also likely have several suits of animated armour as backup (see the description here)
Magical equipment (day to day)
Talécanar has only one real magic item - a Blade of Corruption. While a powerful weapon, he is understandably reluctant to use it unless in dire need, and he doesn't usually carry it with him, unless expecting trouble
75+ |
Disadvantages |
20 |
Hunted by Eochail Priesthood (MoPo, NCI, 8-) |
20 |
Loyal to friends and comrades (common, total) |
15 |
In love with Endamar (common, strong) |
10 |
Loves to tinker and invent (Common, moderate) |
36 |
Experience |