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This section of this website is all about the anime, Digimon. There is not much, here, but I will be adding more things in the future.
Disclaimer: I am not asssociated with Digimon in any way. I only use the characters of Digimon for entertainment purposes.

WARNING: Some of the links here may include yaoi, yuri, shounen ai and shoujo ai.
Shounen Ai and Shoujo Ai = Romantic male+male and female+female situations
Yaoi and Yuri = All of the above plus more sexual situations

Digimon fan fiction - Pretty self explanitory. I must warn you, there are (and there will be more) stories with yaoi and shounen ai content here.

Favorite Digimon Links - I haven't been surfing Digimon pages for a long time, but here are some of the best Digimon pages that I have been to so far.

[ back to main ] [ me ] [ Lines ] [ Hanson ] [ Digimon ] [ Gundam Wing ] [ sign or view gb ]