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This section of Candy and Ice Cream is about Gundam Wing. Like I said in the other sections, it doesn't have much here, but I'm working on it.
Disclaimer: I do not Gundam Wing, unfortunately. I just use the characters of Gundam Wing for entertainment purposes. (I know what you hentais are thinking. :P )

WARNING: Some of the links here may include yaoi, yuri, shounen ai and shoujo ai.
Shounen Ai and Shoujo Ai = Romantic male+male and female+female situations
Yaoi and Yuri = All of the above plus more sexual situations

Gundam Wing Fan Fiction - This is where you can find crap GW fiction that I wrote.

You Know You Need A Shrink When... - I made this list during times when I was temporarily insane. :P This is an on-going list that indicates when you love GW a little TOO much.

Favorite Gundam Wing Links - Here are some GW pages that I go to all of the time.

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