< Aaron Jones
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Old News
** 4/25/04 *** Come see me play at Hobgood Ampitheatre, May 1st at 2:00 pm rain or shine! The live version of Don't Walk is online in the Audio section. Also, work on the new CD has commenced... hopefully that will be ready in a few months

***2/17/04*** I played another open mic night tonight... the 3rd largest in Georgia, hosted by Z93. Open mics seem to be the only shows I can get, but it works. They made me a cd of the performance so hopefully within the next couple days I'll have one of the songs up here.

*** 2/6/04 *** Wow, I should update more often. I played an open mic night tonight at Old Towne Tavern. It went over very well, I ended up playing two sets. I'm going back next friday 8 to 10 so come check it out! Old Towne Tavern

*** 12-14-03 *** Thanks to everyone that came out on the 12th! I had a lot of fun and despite having been sick these past few days, it went well. Thanks for everyone's support. I still have a few more copies of the special edition, so let me know if you want one. I'm on the lookout for more shows, so stay tuned.

*** 12-06-03 *** Show this friday (the 12th) at the Etowah High School auditorium! Come see me, The Night Shift, 451, and The Whole Nine. I'm playing at 6 so be there on time! There is gonna be a raffle and I'm selling some special edition copies of "Letter in a Bottle". They will have a bunch of new songs, some new artwork and I'll sign it for you if you are extra nice to me and say please. I think they might be auctioning me off, as well as other band members... so it should be interesting... all to raise money for the SBGA. Hope to see everyone there!

*** 11-23-03 *** The show that was moved to December 11th is now the 12th. Crazy... (re-)mark your calenders

*** 11-17-03 *** Due to circumstances beyond my control, the show on November 20th is moved to December 12. Same time, same place. I will be selling cds with new songs on them, so bring a little extra cash. $4 dollars to get in, and probably $5ish for the cd.

*** 11-13-03 *** The show on November 20th is confirmed. Come see me play with The Nightshift, The Whole Nine and 451. It starts at 6 and they will probably make me open, so come early!

*** 11-??-03 *** Still badly in need of an overhaul. maybe soon. I uploaded an mp3 of Ceasefire I might put up some studio demos of my new songs soon. As far as I know, I'm still playing November 20th. Email me if you have any questions, want to tell me how much you love me, or just bug me about putting songs up.

*** 10-16-03 *** Wow, I haven't updated in forever. Not much has happened. I've written a bunch of new songs. I'm either doing a new cd or a christmas cd (by request) so we'll see. I have a potential show the 20th of November... so we'll see how things work out. Keep your calenders open. Also, sign the guestbook or email me, I wanna know what songs you guys wanna hear.

*** 8-19-03 *** The CD is finished. $5, find me in school or talk to me online. AOL: elroy4444 email: basicboy@hotmail.com. Website overhaul coming soon!

*** 8-10-03 *** The CDs should be available in about a week. Look for me in school, or email me if you are interested. basicboy@hotmail.com Also, I'm looking for shows to play for promotion and whatnot, so if anyone ever needs some music, let me know.

*** 7-27-03 *** The new album, titled "A Letter In a Bottle" is finished. There is only a bit of cleaning up to do. It should be available soon, for $5. I can't promise any dates. But you can download one song from it here: All I Need

The current track list in order:
Life Isn't Fair
All I need
Another Red Sunset
Better Off Alone
I Only Lie Because I Love You
Tell Me the Truth
And They Lived Happily Ever After
11 songs, about 53 minutes. Email me or leave a message in the guestbook if you have any comments or questions!

*** 7-20-03 *** MP3.com website is up! Only one song on there at this very second, Someday, but Don't Walk will be there soon, whenever they decide to approve it. Then, any new songs from the new album will probably go there, because Angelfire has limited bandwidth, which is to be expected because hey it's free right? Anyhow, the mp3.com site: Click Here!

*** 7-19-03*** Check out my friend Jacob Throop here: Jacob Throop In his song "I Give Up", I played guitar and sang backup. Check it out, it's pretty neat. The new album is nearing completion. Soon there will be some sample songs available for download so stay tuned. Added a new picture in the pictures section.

***7-02-03*** Started working on the new album(s) Hopefully out by mid august, there will be two new albums. The first, still untitled, will feature 10 brand new songs plus a few of the older ones recorded and arranged unlike any of my previous. The second album will feature the 10 new songs plus others and will be all acoustic.

***6-20-30*** No more shows at Cool Beans. Look out for some new material coming up, I have plenty of it!

***6-18-03*** Played open mic night at "Cool Beans" in the Marietta Square. I'll be playing again this friday, ask me for more information (aim: elroy4444 and basicboy@hotmail.com) The fun starts at 8:30 for directions: Click Here

***6-17-03*** General overhaul. Replaced Someday with version from my new demo. Its a bit different, check it out. Also updated "shows" section with some info about upcoming public debuts.

***6-16-03*** New url... aaronjones.vze.com Same site, just easier to remember. Look out for some brand new songs soon! Oh, and there is a new picture... whoopdeedoo

***6-7-03*** Replaced "Don't Walk" with a newer, better recording. It's the same song, except now it sounds beter. Have fun!

***5-30ish-03*** Added guestbook! whoopdeedoo! sign! Also added "Someday" for a little while, at least until I decide to take it off... makes sense right?

***5-27-03*** Added cover of Radiohead song "Motion Picture Soundtrack" in Audio Section

***5-19-03*** Woohoo... recording recording recording! I'm shooting for next cd release by end of summer. Who knows... Hopefully there will be no more injuries. I hope to actually get some shows this summer if anyone will let me play anywhere. Just email me if any one wants me to play at a party or wherever: basicboy@hotmail.com

***4-22*** Broke my collar bone a few days ago. Not much guitar playing now for a little while... but the studio is almost finished so I can get working on the next album...

***4-4*** Woohoo spring break! That means we start work on the new studio! Hopefully it will be finished in a few weeks and I will start pumping out some brand new songs. Look out for upcoming shows (fingers crossed) and stay tuned!

***3-10*** New website. I know I know its horrible but it will serve its purpose for now. Download the mp3s, and then buy the cd. The first CD is out there... find me in school or email me if you are interested. About 50 minutes long, 3 dollars.
