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Beth's Stories

Let me just remind you now that you're here -- these are slash stories, so if you don't like to read about men dating men or women dating women, turn back now. You have been warned -- again.

Feedback is always appreciated -- so if you have something you want to say please click here to send me a message: Beth
West Wing


Wild Ride Series

"Mr. Seaborn's Wild Ride" "She's my daughter. She's almost two. She's going to be living with me."

"The First Time" He'd been drunk . . . no wonder he'd been acting like an ass.

"A Slow Boat to Nowhere" There's a boat; there's sailing; oh yeah, and someone falls off.

"Much Ado About Something What were those pills that Sam took during "20 Hours in LA".

"Hit and Run" "You bumped into Toby, and I want to know what happened," Kelly demanded.

"Learning Curve" Josh has a great deal to learn, and the curve is steeper than he thought.

"Life is in the Details" Things are discussed; decisions are made; the future is planned.

"Broken" Donna's rules finally make sense.

Wild Ride Holiday Stories

"No Tell. Guess" Halloween

"The Twelve Days of Christmas" self-evident, I think

Wild Ride Crossover Stories

"Company" JAG Crossover (more explanation on the story page)

Miscellaneous Sam/Josh Stuff

From Julian Lee's Variations Universe:

"The Sock Drawer"

"Under the Bed Sometimes to come out of the closet, you have to go under the bed.

It has finally happened. Julian Lee and I have co-authored a story. And we have done it in Nomi's Universe. This story was a blast to write. It really should be illegal to have this much fun.

"The Mets, Truman, and Me" What Sam does at one a.m. when he's supposed to be sleeping.

My Own Little Side Trips

"On the Team"

"Of Cheesecake and Valentine's Day"

Non-Sam and Josh West Wing Stuff

"Chance Encounter" My Contribution to the WingSwing -- Ellie and Jordan Cavanaugh (Crossing Jordan