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Title: Hit and Run

Author: Beth

Series: Wild Ride

Disclaimer: I would never in a million years want to claim responsibility for Toby – he's all Sorkin's problem. The rest of this, however, belongs to me.

Summary: "You bumped into Toby and I want to know what happened," Kelly demanded.

Feedback: Always appreciated: Beth

Notes: First of all, I'm Toby-phobic, so if this doesn't ring true, that might be why. I owe a huge debt of, commas, at the very least to my two betas (yes, I gained one almost by accident) Julian and Gail. Both are awesome, etc., etc. This was written as Julian's valentine's present (though she's apparently not celebrating anymore), but I've decided to share.


Once the crisis with Sam had subsided, and Kelly returned home something Sarah had said when this whole thing started jumped out at her. Kelly was now determined to get to the bottom of this one. She wanted to make sure that Sarah would focus her attention on her and the questions she had, so she convinced Jake, her security guy/guy Friday, to cook something for them. Sarah couldn't hide in the kitchen if the food was cooked. Kelly straightened everything and locked the door to Sarah's study. There would be no escape when Sarah's shift at the hospital ended.

Sarah came through the door and immediately stopped in her tracks. Someone had cooked something, and it smelled good. Kelly was up to something. Those two thoughts were inextricably linked as Sarah walked down the hallway to find out what new crazy thing Kelly had come up with. Last time it had been that she wanted to repaint the house in what she called glorious Technicolor. Sarah had convinced her, with a combination of begging, threatening, and bribery, that glass really didn't need to be painted. And then there was the time that she wanted Sarah to take a couple of weeks off work to go to Europe because she was blocked. That one hadn't been so bad. Kelly was definitely unpredictable, Sarah concluded as she entered the kitchen.

“I'm home.”

“So I see.” Kelly was hustling around putting things on plates, but she crossed the kitchen quickly and embraced Sarah.

“What did Jake make for dinner?” Sarah arched an eyebrow as Kelly blushed. “Well, I *know* you didn't do it, and he's the most likely suspect.”

Kelly looked down at the floor and then back at Sarah, flashing her best grin at her. “I knew I forgot to ask him something.”

“You don't know what it is, do you?” Sarah chuckled. “I'm going to change into something comfortable, and then you're going to tell me what you're up to this time.”

“What makes you think I'm up to something?” Kelly asked innocently.

“I didn't have to fish you out of your studio when I came home. Dinner's ready. The house is straightened. These are things you don't even notice unless you're up to something.” Sarah held up a hand as Kelly started to protest. “You've always been this way, love. I knew what I was getting into; I'm not complaining. Let me go change, okay?”

“I could help,” Kelly offered hopefully.

“You could, but then this lovely dinner would be ruined and you'd forget whatever it is that you needed it for in the first place. Do you really want to take two days off from painting?”

“Fine. Go by yourself,” Kelly sighed. “I'll be down here dishing up whatever this is.”

After a leisurely dinner, which Sarah identified as a vegetable curry Sarah made coffee while Kelly washed the dishes. Sarah shot an amused look at Kelly up to her elbows in dishwater -- this was a picture Sam would love to have – as she carried the coffee out to the living room and settled in on the couch to wait. She knew she wouldn't have to wait long.

Kelly practically flew around the corner looking for Sarah, afraid that she had gotten sucked into work while Kelly was cleaning up. Her face lit up when she found Sarah comfortably ensconced on the couch. “There you are.”

“Here I am. Now, what is this all about?”

“I want you to tell me a story.”

Sarah raised her eyebrows at the request. “A story? Shouldn't you be in pajamas and holding a teddy bear or something?”

“Could be if you wanted me to, but I don't think you'll want me to.”

“What story?”

“I want to know what happened when you bumped into Ziegler when you went to check on Sam.”

Sarah had just taken a sip of coffee, and she ended up spitting it across the living room. “What did you just say?”

“You bumped into Toby, and I want to know what happened,” Kelly demanded.

Sarah rolled her eyes as she studied her lover. “You sound like a child.”

“Be that as it may—“ Kel started with a mock-threatening glare.

“Don't worry, love. I'll tell you. I've just been waiting for you to ask,” Sarah giggled.


Sarah was preoccupied. She had just finished yelling at Sam for not taking care of himself. If Kel had been with her, she wouldn't have gotten away with it, but she wasn't so she did. She was thinking about how she was going to keep seeing Sam a secret from Kelly, and that was the only way she could explain walking straight into someone and landing on her butt.

“Watch where you're going,” growled the unfamiliar voice.

“Excuse me?” Sarah looked up from her position on the floor.

“I said – watch where you're going,” Toby looked over his file at the attractive woman still sitting on the floor.

“It would be too much to expect that you would help me up off the floor, wouldn't it?” Sarah said gamely. All she was thinking was here she was face to – well, face to kneecaps at the moment, with the guy who harassed Kelly every time she spoke her mind. An opportunity like this didn't present itself too often and darned if she wasn't going to take advantage of it.

Toby continued to study her like she was a recent escapee from a mental institution and asked, “Who are you and how did you get on this floor?”

Sarah, determining that Toby wasn't going to help her up, pushed up off the floor, and answered with a smile, “Reporter. Had a meeting with Sam Seaborn.” There, that would cover Sam if Toby saw her coming out of Sam's room.

“I don't remember a meeting with a reporter on his schedule.”

“Perhaps you should discuss that with him. Could I get a few minutes of your time as well, Mr. Ziegler?”

“What organization are you with and what is your story on?”

Sarah knew she was going to have to think fast. Ted had called the house last night and gotten Kelly worked up about Bartlet's latest 'affront' to the gay community. She didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but she really wanted to make sure that Ziegler realized that people were watching him. “I'm a freelancer. I'm interested in the Ted Marcus story. Mr. Seaborn suggested that you were the one I should speak with about this.”

“HE suggested WHAT?” Toby's eyes bulged. He had hoped that this would stay quiet.

“Mr. Seaborn said he wasn't sure what I was talking about, but that you might have an idea and that I should speak with you. Based upon your reaction just now, I would say that his assumption was correct.” **Gotcha.**

Toby had managed to regain his control only to find himself losing it again because he had given this reporter something. “I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, Ms. –“

“Sarah,” Sarah responded, but then realized she didn't want to use her real name for this. “Sarah Jacobs.”

“I don't think I remember your by-line. Who have you written for?”

“I don't usually write political stories; that might be why you aren't familiar with me, Mr. Ziegler. I'm sure, though, that if you contacted Ted Marcus or Kelly O'Neal they would vouch for my stories on entertainment and the art world.” Sarah was taking a calculated risk here. Ted was so furious, she was certain that Ziegler wouldn't contact him. She also assumed that Toby wouldn't have the nerve to call Kelly under any circumstances. This was fun, almost as much fun as messing with Josh.

“I see. So you're acquainted with Ted, are you, Sarah?” He was *not* going to get involved in any kind of discussion that involved *that* woman.

“I've done a couple of interviews with him.” **Thrown a couple of dinner parties to which he was invited. Vacationed with him and whomever he was seeing at the time. More than acquainted, I'd say.**

"I see; so I can assume that your source for this is Ted?”

“I'm a reporter; we don't reveal our sources. But you should know that, Toby.” Two could play intimidation games.

“Okay, Sarah. What would you like to know?”

“I'd like to know why it is that Bartlet claims to be liberal and yet, by all appearances, this administration is more conservative than the previous one.”

“I don't think your perception is accurate.”

“Perception is reality, Mr. Ziegler.”

“We have taken an aggressive stance on –“

“Religion, perhaps? Josh Lyman made his feelings about Christians in this country abundantly clear. I've heard that Mr. Marcus is considering canceling the event this evening. Is there any truth to that rumor?”

Toby was surprised by the multi-front assault from this reporter. “Are you asking the questions or answering them?”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “I'd heard you were smart. Am I moving too quickly for you? Let's try this again. I'm interested in the rumor that Mr. Marcus is canceling the event. Is it true? What is your response?”

Toby took a deep breath and turned his attention to his folder for a second to get a chance to think. If he categorically denied that Marcus was canceling and Josh failed to convince him not to, he would look as if he knew nothing. If he deflected her to Ted and she got to Ted before Josh did, Ted would never back down. And how the hell did this make it to a reporter anyway? CJ – CJ could deal with this. “I think you should talk with CJ Cregg, Ms. Jacobs. You might find her more prepared to handle your questions.”

“Okay. I thought you were the go to guy. Guess I was wrong,” Sarah said with a bright smile as she skirted around Toby and left him staring after her.


“Remind me not to tick you off,” Kelly managed to get out through the laughter.

“You're the one with the temper, love. I just enjoyed the opportunity that presented itself.”

“Oh yeah, you enjoyed that to the fullest, didn't you?”

“I don't like the things he says about you.”

“I know you don't, Sar.” Kel reached out and pulled Sarah over to her. “But why did you say the thing about Josh? We *like* him remember?”

“You like him; I don't know him. In ten years, he's never bothered to come to the house, ask a personal question, nothing. I don't think he could even tell you what I do for a living if you asked. I mean, does he even know my last name?”

“If you want to meet him, just say so. I can make *that* happen.” Kel was disturbed by the hurt she was seeing in Sarah's eyes. “Maybe we should give him a bit of what you did to Toby. He definitely deserves it.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Give me a few days, and I'll come up with something.” Kel had that gleam in her eyes, which Sarah recognized as the beginning of one of her plans.

“You like him, remember?” Sarah gave her ghost of a smile.

“A little less now than I did before,” Kelly said flatly.

“It's okay. I should have said something if it bothered me. I'm saying it now; so now we fix it and it'll all be fine.”

“Okay,” Kel said quietly.

“As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, you made me an offer earlier that I'd like to take you up on now.”

“I made an offer?” Kel asked innocently.

“Come with me and I'll remind you,” Sarah said softly as she coaxed Kelly off the couch to make good on her offer.


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