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Dramatic Play Center

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Activity Information: Students will be able to mimic airline and airport workers.  Students will gain an understanding of teamwork and individual work.

Curriculum Areas:  math, language, and reading

Children:  pre-school-kindergarten

Assessment/Rationale: Children will develop social skills when interacting with customers and other workers.

Objectives: Children will understand the jobs of a pilot and flight attendants.  Children will be able to interact with some life like materials and be able to use these materials in the center.

Space/Materials Needed: some space to make room for a model airplane, check-in-area, waiting area, luggage area, and a cafe area.  Materials needed can be made out of cardboard or get real brochures and materials from agencies.


Introduction: Talk about airport visits or take a trip to an airport.

Teaching Sequence:  Talk about the jobs for each position and why each one is important. 

Closure: Introduce places to fly and vacation ideas.

Evaluation: Did both girls and boys play in this area?  Did boys tend to be the pilot and the girls a desk worker?  Did any children get bored with the materials?




Activity Information: Students will be involved in a scene that is like a restaurant or diner.  Children will prepare, mimic cooking food, and also serving customers. 

Curriculum Area: Math. language 

Children: pre-school-kindergarten

Assessment/Rationale: Children will develop their skills in measuring and pouring substances.  Children will l earn to work togeter as a team.

Objectives: Children will  understand an adult's role in the restaurant scene.  Children will use math skills to measure and add for total prices.

Space/Materials: table, chairs, aprons, cooking untensils play food, cash register, and a costume box for workers, chef, and front desk


Introduction: may begin a unit on measuring or role-playing.  Introduce new play center and tell what roles to play.  Talk about the children's visits to restaurants.

Teaching Sequence: Show various uses of materials to students.  Have students think of ideas.

Closure: Introduce other areas of play that may use these same materials.

Evaluation: did both boys and girls enjoy this center?  Did any children get bored with the materials?  Did the children mimic roles properly?


