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Social Studies

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Expanding Pre-conceived Beliefs about Sex Roles


Curriculum Areas: gender studies, Health/family life

Children:  kindergarten, 1, or 2 grade

Assessment/Rationale: Children will discover their understanding of sex-roles in everyday life.  Students will be able to expand their thinking in sex-roles in the community. The children may be able to draw a picture of their parent(s) engaged in an activity at home.  Then have them present to the class. 

Objectives:  Children will identify most household activities and jobs as being the shared responsibility of men and women or mom and dad.  Children will know that there may variation to family households for example one parent so therefore the sex-roles will be switched.

Space/Materials needed: marker and large piece of chart paper


            Introduction:  Have children brainstorm a list of activities that their parents do at home.   Record each activity on the chart as the children give out activities. 

            Teaching Sequence: After the chart is filled ask the students who performs each job.  Explain to the children to write an M, D, or B next to each job.  Here the teacher can point out that not all households have a mom or dad, and that in many families one parent does everything. 

            Closure: Point out that both men and women handle many household chores.

Evaluation:  Did any children feel left out because of their family situation.  Did any children get lost on household chores?  Did the students understand the roles of each job or chore? 

--Taken from AskERIC


