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I ain't helpin' crap! I wanna eat some pie!

Here are the people whom SuperCartman would like to thank:

First off, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, of course. Without them, there'd be no South Park. Hella thanks, guys!

The folks at Angelfire, LinkExchange, GuestWorld, AddMe, WebSideStory, and any other companies who've allowed this site to be filled with kickass stuff for free.

Comedy Central, for not finding this site and getting rid of it. Remember, we've got no affiliation with them!!

The people at Bezerk who created everyone's favorite online obsession.

My beloved Clan members. Without you guys (and girl) there'd be no page at all, and no outlet for my continuous stream of South Park filth.

Anyone who has given this site an award for its outstanding excellence!

And, since I'm sucking up, YOU. Thanks for visiting this site, and making this whole process somewhat worthwhile.

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