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January 7, 2000
This Is Finally It.
I'm sure that if you are visiting this site now, you just happened to find a link to it from somewhere. Well, sorry to let you in on this, but the Clan that this site speaks of was officially disbanded 5 months ago, when the final nail was stuck in this site's coffin. No updates have been made since then; none are planned; this site is basically dead. But I suppose I'll leave all of this material I've cooked up here for anyone who stumbles in and wants to see it. This is probably the last new message that will be put up here until the inevitable day when the site is done away with for good. It's sort of sadly ironic that for all the time this site was active, I followed the hit counter like a hawk, and now that it's passed a memorable number such as 3000, I'm totally apathetic towards it. Oh well. You may see me in another form working on other websites elsewhere around the Net, if you try hard enough. So until then, just enjoy all of this ancient crap and remember the good old days. -- SC
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