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Glug glug

So... you don't know what a drinking game is? Oh, you do? Well, then, skip this part. Otherwise, let us explain. Being a drinking game, you need a drink. It's supposed to be beer, but you don't need beer, you can use chocolate milk for all we care. Don't worry, it will be our little secret. So go get it. Yes, now. We'll wait. *dum dee dum* Got it? Okay, now, what you can do is print out this game, and use it when you're watching South Park. The first things listed are common occurences, so you take a sip of your drink each time that happens. As the occurences become less likely, the amount you would drink if they actually happened increases. Get it? Then, by the end of the episode, you are supposed to see how... well, intoxicated you are. But since you aren't using beer *chuckle*, you can ignore the beer references. Have fun!


- Each time one of the kids makes fun of Cartman's weight. Take two sips if they use the word "ass". Chug if they don't. Tap a keg if Cartman doesn't threaten to kick them "squa' in the noots".

- Every time someone swears. Take two sips if the word is bleeped out. Chug if the word isn't pigf-cker. Tap a keg if any of the other characters actually act surprised at how vulgar an 8-year old is.

- Whenever Kenny is killed. Take two sips if you weren't expecting it at that moment. Chug if you weren't expecting it, and it was pretty gory. Tap a keg if it was unexpected, gory, and nobody says "Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!" Rob a liquor store if anybody actually acts sad due to the fact that their friend just died. Call AA if another episode comes along where Kenny doesn't die.

- If you can't figure out what Kenny is saying. Take two sips if you can. Chug if it's something other than "Oh no", "Yes", or "I'm okay". Tap a keg if you react, "Damn, that Kenny's a vulgar little bastard." Tap another keg if everyone else in the room reacts the same.

- If you can't figure out something Cartman said. Take two sips if you clearly understood what he said. Tap a keg if it was something intelligent.

- Each time Officer Barbrady covers something up. Take two sips if someone tells you how much his voices pisses them off. Chug if they go up and punch the TV screen. At this point, stop drinking before you do the same thing.

- Every time there is a reference to Kyle being Jewish. Take two sips if it's not something insulting. Chug if it makes him proud to be a Jew. Tap a few kegs if he sings a song about it.

- Whenever Terrance or Phillip farts. Take two sips if he laughs about it. Take three sips if he doesn't. Chug if it wasn't on someone else's head. Tap a keg if they start farting the tune to "O Canada"

- If Cartman accepts Cheesy Poofs. Call AA if he doesn't.

- Whenever Jimbo yells "It's comin' right for us!" as an excuse to shoot an animal. Take two sips if Ned also makes a comment. Chug if you still don't chuckle a little at the speech device he uses. Tap a keg if you know someone who sounds like him. Rob a liqour store if they DON'T use a speech-assisting device.

Don't worry, there will be plenty more Drinking Game fun to come in the future. In fact, maybe you should worry.

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