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Yes, it's the opposite of new.

Here is a list of previous stuff that's happened to the Cartman Clan.

August 8, 1999:
Today is the day the Cartman Clan died. The counter was at 2724 when the announcement was made official. SC wants to wish all of the Clan's members and supporters good luck in their future plans.

March 14, 1999:
Update. Sorta. One 6 Degrees item. Yeah.

March 10, 1999:
Oh. Hello. The site hit 2000 hits a little while ago. Today I updated with the interview with Aaron of SpZONE. Yeah, that's it. Don't like it? Well, boo hoo to you too.

January 22, 1999:
Ah, who gives a crap about this "What's Old" page anyway. I think I'll put a counter in just to see how few people actually visit to see what's old. Oh, yeah, and I updated the FAQ and added "South Park Anagrams". And I also complained a lot. Big surprise.

January 9, 1999:
"I'm Not Fat" updated. "SC's Thing of the Week" added. And the counter hits the number of 1600, or something. Does anyone care?

January 2, 1999:
We didn't sell out after all! I dunno, it's a complicated mess, but apparently we're still here at Angelfire, for a while.

January 1, 1999:
We sold out! We sold out! We've got a new address:, and a brand spankin' new layout! And, also major, a new member: "Bigfoot"! Everything is just happening so fast, my head is spinning! 1998 was a good year for the Cartman Clan Homepage, and hopefully, with your help, 1999 will be even better!

December 19, 1998:
Layout change! Layout change! WE got a layout change! Err.. uhh.. yeah. Anyway, the plot thickens: Where is the Cartman Clan going? This strange conspiracy goes into its higher stages as we speak... however, when the clock strikes midnight and the year of 1998 ends, we'll all know for certain.

And, the counter hit 1300. Like you care.

December 14, 1998:
The day of reckoning for the Cartman Clan. What will become of the Cartman Clan Homepage? Will we sell out? Who will be the next member? What will the new layout look like? And why have I been too lazy to even update this page? These questions shall be answered as the top Cartman Clan executives go into careful deliberation... but one thing is for sure, when all is said and done, things will never be the same.

Oh, and the counter hit 1200 a few days ago.

December 6, 1998:
The Secret Page abolished. A bunch of stuff from the gone Secret Page and other stuff added, such as: 2 Six Degrees items, 3 new Faces of Cartman, and the Corpulent Award is introduced to the general public.

November 22, 1998:
Official Less Gripe, More Type Day. Yeah, whatever. No-Puker Vitamins and South Park Fan Attitude added to the illustrious list of crap on this site.

November 18, 1998:
Holy crap, nine days? Big gap. Anyway, one new Face of Cartman, and the Secret Page was updated somehow. Shh.. it's a secret!

November 9, 1998:
Five things. 1) Slight layout change. 2) "South Park Vitamins" added. 3) "Blast From the Past" added. 4) The counter hits the big 1000. 5) The Secret Page is updated.

November 6, 1998:
The secret page now exists, apparently.

November 1, 1998:
Boo! Everyone's favorite background is back! Plus, one site review is added to our new-and-improved Site Review section.

October 31, 1998:
The Big Halloween Update! New Layout, 2 Six Degrees items, 3 Faces of Cartman, a big "I'm Not Fat", Cartman Attitude added, a new site review, a new banner for us, and the new section: You're Turning into a South Park Character. Oh yeah, and the counter reaches nine hundred. Yipes.

October 22, 1998:
One site review added, as well as Cartman Clan Attitude. The counter finally hits 800. Yeah, it's pathetic, really.

October 18, 1998:
Elephant Boy designs Pimp Master D Cartman for us. Also, another site review added.

October 15, 1998:
New member! ChristmasPoo added. Crash71, NickD, Pyro14 and Prodigy Fan moved to Supporters list from official membership due to inactivity. Updated: Favorite Wrestlers and the Many Faces of Cartman. Also, a new site review added.

October 12, 1998:
Updated: FAQ and Join pages. Added: 3 Favorite Wrestlers and a new banner to link to us. Counter hits 700. 700 responds by saying "Ouch".

October 8, 1998:
Added 3 things: "I'm Not Fat...", South Park Attitude, and the original six Site Reviews. Counter hits 666. Ugh.

October 5, 1998:
New layout. Yeah, that's it. What? Hey, that's a LOT, alright?

October 4, 1998:
JAZZ added as the newest member of the Clan. Every section gets a new, cool title graphic. The counter hit 600 yesterday.

October 2, 1998:
Our NEW Award, the Fat Hippie Award, is introduced, and the layout of the 6 Degrees section changed, for greater convenience. Added: 3 Favorite Wrestler entries, and one 6 Degrees entry.

October 1, 1998:
The new title graphic and the small section link graphics are added.

September 27, 1998:
"The Many Faces of Cartman" added, and SuperCartman pleads desperately for people to sign the guestbook. What a dumbass.

September 24, 1998:
Our Award, Awards Received added, Supporters area changed, and the small section links added below the title graphic. Cool!

September 23, 1998:
A bunch of stuff done, but we forget what it was. It probably wasn't much.

September 22, 1998:
Our lovely counter broke. And we added a new banner to link to us.

September 21, 1998:
We try genetically creating a four-assed monkey. The experiment quickly fails, so we decide to update the Links and FAQ pages instead.

September 20, 1998:
"How to Start Your Own Clan" is added out of the blue. Also, SuperCartman's soccer team is torn apart in its last game this season. Oh well. There's always next year.

September 18, 1998:
Favorite Wrestlers sections completely redone. Three new 6 Degrees items added.

September 17, 1998:
Graphic links replaced by text with descriptions added for faster loading. New background graphic introduced. Small changes to Members section.

September 16, 1998:
Background graphic fixed, link buttons shrunk and changed, and added are the "Cartman Clan Says:" and "Coming Soon:" sections. Counter hits 400.

September 11, 1998:
Today is Vulturus' birthday. Also, Elephant Boy sucks.

September 10, 1998:
Three little updates to What Is the Cartman Clan?, More Clan Info and Clan Members sections. South Park Odds is coming, apparently.

September 8, 1998:
Three things put up: The SP Drinking Game, the Favorite Wrestler Explanation Page, and the Interactive Poll section. South Park Odds is mentioned.

September 7, 1998:
The Favorite Wrestlers Section is put up. Counter hits 300.

September 6, 1998:
We finally complete the site overhaul. Added is all the South Park Stuff, the Mailing List, the FAQ, the Credits, the Links and the Link To Us sections. Gone are the Kickass Acros and Other Clan Stuff sections. The Poll is gone temporarily. All the sections, as well as the main page, are redesigned and the content changed and updated. It's a hectic day for the Clan, but we made it.

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