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That's the bottom line, 'cause Cartman said so!

You smell what the Clan is cookin'?
Have you ever wondered who your favorite South Park character's favorite professional wrestler would be? Well, we at the Clan took some educated guesses, and we present them to you, our loyal reader. If you're a die-hard wrestling fan, you should understand these all. But just in case, we included some brief explanations, just in case it takes a second and you say, "Huh?"

South Park Character Their Favorite Wrestler Explanation just for you:
CartmanGolgaGolga wears Cartman shirts and brings a Cartman doll to the ring. Isn't that enough?
StanDarren DrozdovWell... Droz's nickname is "Puke", and for a good reason.
KyleGoldbergHis name is Goldberg. What religion might he be? Hmm... let's think...
KennyCactus JackCactus Jack has made his career on being cut, blown up, and basically injured. He ALMOST died.
Mr. GarrisonPat PattersonOne time, Patterson missed a wrestling show because his boyfriend died. Nuff said.
WendySableSable is one tough babe who doesn't take sh-t from any guys.
ChefVal VenisVenis is supposed to be a porn star, and he's often show sleeping with lotsa women. Okay...
NedKaneKane "needs" the same kind of speech device as Ned.
Mr. HankeyTiger Ali SinghMr. Hankey is poo. Poo is disgusting. Singh makes people do disgusting things for money. Hey, it's SOMETHING!
PipBritish BulldogYou're a smart person; you get this one, right?
Starvin' MarvinJuventud GuerreraJuvi probably weighs 105 soaking wet with a brick in his pocket.
Mr. McCormickScott HallMr. McCormick - Kenny's dad - is always full of alcohol. Scott Hall, unfortunately, also is.
Grandpa MarshHollywood Hulk HoganWell, as you can tell Hogan is a little, um, OLD, now isn't he?
IkeHeadHead's not a wrestler. Head's a styrofoam head. Head gets tossed around sometimes, too.
Miss EllenChynaThough she is straight, Chyna is muscular, has a deep voice, and wears dog chains and such, leading us to believe she's a... yeah, you get it now...
Terrance & PhillipThe BushwhackersT & P are dirty bastards. The Bushwhackers are just dirty.
MayorEric BischoffBischoff runs the WCW, however he has no idea how to operate his position of authority, just like the mayor of SP.
KittyErnest MillerKarate Champ Miller's nickname is "The Cat"
Mrs. BrofslovskiVince McMahonMcMahon, the WWF owner, thinks he can control what others do, and pisses everyone off.
Ugly BobAny Mexican wrestlerMexicans all wear masks when they wrestle. It COULD be because they're ugly...?
Rhinoplasty TomTriple HWell, HHH has been the target of many a nose joke in his time.
FluffyYokozunaYoko, at one time, weighed near 800 pounds. He musta eaten like a PIG!
Officer BarbradyBig Boss ManC'mon, you should know that the Big Boss Man is supposed to be a cop! Or a riot squad officer. Or SOMETHING like that.
Mr. HatMr. SockoMr. Socko, much like Mr. Hat, is a hand puppet. Actually, he's a sock. But wrestler Mankind uses him as a puppet. And a weapon. Don't ask.


These are probably only funny if you actually WATCH wrestling. And even if you do, you may not get them all. Don't worry, we may have pictures up sometime in the future to make things a little easier. Yippie doo.

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