The Mesa School

THANK YOU for Your Support of The Mesa School's Jerusalem Peace Walk Project!
Santa Barbara's Mesa School Supports Triannual Jerusalem Peace Walk

The Mesa School Beloved Community

The Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem

The Mesa School is a Santa Barbara, California, media and events community production project for education, spiritual upliftment, training and entertainment.

Our purpose is to further true peace and harmony among all life with free natural abundance as paradise on Earth.

The Mesa School Beloved Community is also a developing interdisciplinary school of the spiritual arts, letters, sciences, religions, and of the leading philosophies thereof.

In its fullest vision, The Mesa School will be a global virtual-school of thought in harmony with nature and the natural order. Our initial headquarters have been located for almost two decades at our present location within an evolving home-school.

Programs produced under auspices of The Mesa School include:

· November 1986 relighting of Santa Barbara's eternal peace flame at UCSB by the mayors of Santa Barbara and its Soviet Sister City of Yalta in a popular but controversial public ceremony presided over by the UCSB Chancellor.

· The Rainbow Uprising Campaign of 1990 featuring the ceremonial installation of the Hiroshima Peace Flame at UCSB's Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument culminating a week-long series of events featuring participation of leading teachers including: The late Hopi Interpreter Thomas Banyacya; Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp of the Iroquois Confederacy; clergy of the Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Order; Buddhist monk Rev. Yusen Yamato, Global Peace Walk initiator; Gene Hoffman of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and Compassionate Listening Project; actor John Voigt; local Chumash and other community leaders.

· California Prison Dharma Walk : February 1 to March 4th , Oakland to Lompoc, walking as a prayer and conducting prayer vigils at prisons throughout California.

· The Great Spirit All My Relations Relay Run, walk and Caravan from Santa Barbara to Big Mountain (1986), conducted by Masao Nippashi after a blessing ceremony by local Chumash elder Victor "Sky Eagle" Lopez.

Mesa School Community Foundation draft of [April 27, 2001 - updated 11Nov05]

See latest project under development in 2005, below proposed by The Mesa School in 2001:

Triannual (Christmas, Easter, August 15) Bethlehem to Jerusalem Interfaith Peacewalk Prayer

This site established April 28, 2001, anniversary of initial voicing of the prayer for the purification of land and life, Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo.

"2000th Christmas" Peace Walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem 2001

Proposal of April 27, 2001, by David Crockett Williams

The threats to global peace are roiling into increasingly violent conflicts worldwide, in countries and cities all around the globe, including the recent hostilities in the Israel/Palestine area which by now have both of the holy cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem virtually under siege.

Fears and threats of these hostilities between Moslems and Jews -- Palestinians and Israelis -- canceled last year's planning for a major Bethlehem 2000 Christmas Observance in this traditionally recognized birthplace of Jesus Christ that was essentially closed down because of these complications.

What‘s going to happen this year on December 25, 2001, the actual observed 2000th birthday anniversary of Lord Jesus Christ whose birthday is traditionally marked (isn't it?) as December 25, 0001?

Will Bethlehem, on this Christmas, lie in the ruins of Israeli tank, rocket, and artillery fire? Will there instead be peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Moslems and the Jews?

Can Christians do anything to help between now and then? How about offering Jesus a 2000th birthday present such as this prayer for "Global Peace Now!"? Perhaps even we can help fulfill the prophetic Hopi vision of a "new life plan" for the cause true peace, harmony among all life and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth?

Can other believers of the various religious, spiritual, political, and indigenous cultural traditions do anything to help? Should they?

I would like to conduct a peace prayer walk, inviting the public or walking alone if necessary, from Bethlehem to Jerusalem this Christmas. To do this I need your help to make networking arrangements with organizations, governments, participants, logistics, events, scheduling, fundraising, publicity, etc.

Below is an outline of the initial events schedule draft for the "2000th Christmas" Peace Walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem 2001. Let me/us know if and how you are interested to participate and/or to help organize/coordinate outreach for widespread consideration and support of this walk -- a spiritual walk as a prayer for peace.

Tangible and significant rapid progress can be made towards resolving the conflicts in The Holy Land by simply publicizing and promoting this proposal and the related messages and links in the websites referenced below.

[Note: below 2001 proposal postponed due to hostilities, now 25Dec05 set for first walk]

Proposed 2000th Christmas Schedule of Events:

Sunrise, December 25, 2001, ceremony in Bethlehem, followed by morning peace council; At 12-noon the walk leaves Bethlehem for Jerusalem and arrives for early afternoon ceremony followed by peace council and sunset Global Peace Now Ceremony in Jerusalem.

Partial list of participants to invite, sponsoring their attendance expenses:

Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp of the Iroquois (Six Nations) Confederacy to offer the Tree of Peace Planting Ceremony

Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th generation keeper of the original Sacred Pipe of Peace, to offer Pipe Ceremony

Representatives of various spiritual traditions and religions, including Judaism and Islam, offering their prayers, ceremony, and messages for Global Peace Now!

Please pass the word and help in any way you can: spiritually, psychically, physically, financially.

(Belated) 2000th CHRISTMAS PEACE WALK PROJECT --- 661-867-2877

David Crockett Williams, initiator
Global Emergency Alert Response 2000
Jerusalem Peace Walk Project
"Camp David California" -- 661-867-2877
"Future Home of Paradise Valley Movie Ranch"
13554 Paradise Valley Road
Twin Oaks, Caliente CA 93518

See Jerusalem Peace Walk overview and printable flyer/poster/banner(s) with logo at

To received email updates including 2005 Interfaith Christmas Peace Walk from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, please subscribe to the email group list or review archived posts at

The Mesa School hopes to spread messages and examples of great teachers of peace, love, truth, righteousness, and nonviolence such as:

Mahatma Gandhi's Fujii Guruji Nichidatsu (1885-1985)

Bagawan Swami Sri Sathya Sai Baba (dob 23Nov26)