Gap skid 36
Glass - fractures from direct impact 36
Gouge marks 36
Grade percent 36
Gravity 37
Gravity - centre of (on passenger cars) 37
Greek alphabet 38
Guardrail deflections 38
Heat - thermodynamics 38 - 39
Higgins - vehicle speed - pedestrian collision formula 39
Horsepower 39
Hydroplaning 39 - 40
Impact forces 40 - 41
Impact forces - consequences 41
Impulse - momentum equation 41
Inertial parameter estimation 41
Inertial tendancies 42
Joule 43
Kinematics 43
Kinetic Energy 43
Kinetics 43
K/mh 43
Knot (nautical mile) 43
Lane change formula - see evasion 30 - 31
Law of cosines 44
Law of sines 44
Law of tangents 44
Lift off speed - cresting a hill 45
Light - law of inverse squares 46
Light - second law of reflection 46
Light - second law of refraction 46
Light - rotating mirror 46
Limpert R. - pedestrian impact speed formulae 46 - 47
Linear momentum 47 see momentum 50 - 60
Lines, slopes and angles 47 - 48
Low speed rear impact collisions 48
m - as a variable in formula 49
Mass 49
Math operation rules and symbols 49
Middle ordinate 49
Minimum speed - slide/skid to stop 49
Moment 50
Moment of inertia 50
Momentum - original 360 degree method 50-51
Momentum - standard 360 degree method 51
Momentum - break apart collisions 52
Momentum - broadside or rear end collision 52
Momentum - conservation of 52
Momentum - head-on collision with no post-collision movement 52
Momentum - head-on collision with post-collision movement 53
Momentum - in-line collision - solve by using simultaneous equations 53 - 58
Momentum - rear end collision while both vehicles moving 58
Momentum - rear end offset collision - lead vehicle stopped 58
Momentum - rear end collision - same speed assumed 58 - 59
Momentum - right angle collision 59
Momentum - vector diagramming 60
Motorcycles - counter-steer 61
Motorcycles - driver injuries 61
Motorcycles - flutter 61
Motorcycles - front tire skid 61
Motorcycles - high siding 61
Motorcycles - lateral friction 61
Motorcycles - lean angle 61
Motorcycles - manipulating a speed range from RPM 62
Motorcycles - problems for riders 63
Motorcycles - rake 63
Motorcycles - rear tire skid 63
Motorcycles - slide outs 63
Motorcycles - trail 63
Motorcycles - trajectory of driver and passenger (the Searle formula) 63
Motorcycles - weave 64
Motorcycles - wobble 64
MPH 64
Multiplication 64
Newton 64
Newton's first law 64
Newton's second law 65
Newton's third law 65
Northwestern - pedestrian collision formula 65 - 66
Overturning speed - on curves 66
Parabola 67
Passing see evasion 30- 31
Pedestrian impact speeds 67
Perception and reaction time 68
Pi 68
Pole impact speed - frontal collision - Nystrom & Kost formula 68
Pole impact speed - frontal collision - Mak formula 69
Poundal 70
Pultar - pedestrian collision speed 70
Pythagorean theorem 70
Quadratic equations 70 - 71
Radian 72
Radius 72
Radius - average used 72
Radius formula standard 72
Radius formula no chord or middle ordinate 72
Radius formula circumscribed circle 73
Radius formula determining with a compass 73
Radius formula using the Pythagorean theorem 74
Radius - degree of curve 74
Radius - maximum and minimum for a turning car 74 - 75
Reaction - distance formula 75
Reaction - time see perception and reaction 68
Reflection and refraction see light 46
Roll over speed - minimum - after striking a curb 78
RR (Rail Road) crossing - AASHTO triangle 79 - 80
Salt - road and common - properties of 81
Searle - pedestrian and cyclist speed 81
Seatbelt examination 81
Side scuff 81
Sideslip - yaw 82
Skid - skip skid 82
Sliding friction - the angle of 82
Slide to stop - derivation 83
Slide stop 84
Slide stop - sides of vehicle on two surfaces 84
Slip angle 84
Snowmobile - drag factors 85
Speed 85
Speeds - tachometer and gearing 85
Speed - maximum from which to stop in a given distance 86
Speed - of a rotating vehicle - kinetic energy method 86 - 88
Statics 88
Static Crush 88
Stiffness categories - from crash tests 89
Stiffness categories - from crash tests with impactors (side & rear) 90
Stop - slide to - with weight shift 91
Superelevation 92
Stcherbatcheff - solving for speed from pedestrian throw distance 92
Tachometers - for speed 92 - 93
Tangent offset equation 93
Test skids 94
Throw distance 94
Time to skid to a stop or accelerate from a stop 94
Time to slow 94
Time to skid or accelerate from a stop 94
Time in a circular path 95
Tip-over speed see over-turning speed on curves 66 and roll-over speed when tripped by a curb 78
Trailer - drag factor adjustment 95
Trailer - effect of improper loading on friction coefficient 95 - 96
Trailer - tracking 97
Trigonometric equations 98
Truck speed - engine and transmission 98
Uniform acceleration 98
Vault - derivation of the formula 98 - 101
Vault 101
Vector 101
Velocity 102
Velocity, height and time of a free falling body 102
Velocity/Time/Distance 102
Velocity - initial 102
Velocity at any time in an acceleration or a skid 103
Velocity at any distance in an acceleration or a skid 103
Velocity - initial when distance, time and acceleration rate known 103
View in right angled and oblique angled approaches - for time to collision 103
Weight transfer - cornering/braking/accelerating 104
Wind speed - overturning vehicles 105
Wood - pedestrian speed formula 106
Work 106
Yaw see critical curve speed 14 - 15
Yaw - critical curve speed derivation 106 - 107
Yaw - COLM - check of pre-collision Yaw speed 108
Yaw - radius of gyration 108 - 109
Yaw - Sine Correlation 109
Yaw - Striations 109
Yaw - Striation Angle Measurement 109
About the author .............
Conversion of Quantities and Units
Weather Facts
Notes for the Expert Witness
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