Searching for the love lost
Wondering where it has gone
Why it is no longer there
Does it shine for someone else
Down deep and hidden from her view
How could a love so right, go so wrong
Hope is dim and she feels the pain
Loneliness fills her soul with sorrow
Longing for his eyes to once again shine
To be filled again with the love that once was
Taking one more look she turns away from the pain
Knowing that it is no longer there
Keeping the pain deep inside her
She can look no more, feeling the agony
Sounds of his words of love echo in her mind
How can she believe the words so freely spoken
Having seen the emptiness in his eyes
Love lost never to be found again
Lingering pain so empty and new
Slowly she leaves his side
Shielding her pain from his view
Not wanting him to see her weakness
Never again to look so deep
To see the love lost, the shine gone
The empty reflection deep inside
Not wanting to know any longer
Needing just to escape the pain
Author: Katty Kane