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~*~A Walk With You~*~

A soft breeze blows gently across my check..

Bringing thoughts of your gentle kiss to mind

I feel the touch of your lips on mine, warm and soft..

Feelings of love for you stir deep within my heart..

Down by the lake I walk, thinking of us and our love..

The essence of you walking hand in hand with me...

Is still fresh in my mind, comforting and warm...

Memories of our silence and laughter still fill the air...

The times we have shared together here sitting and talking...

Watching the birds soar above or the white caps on the water...

Listening to the far off sound of childrens laughter.....

Your arms around me holding me close, afraid the moment may end...

Neither of us wanting to go back to the hustle and bustle..

Wanting nothing to spoil the magic of this very special moment...

We look deep into each others eyes, seeing our love for each other...

Knowing that it is a rare and special kind of love,not often shared..

Although today I walk along this shore alone, I know in my heart...

That you are out there thinking the same thoughts and feeling it too..

One thought..One Love...One you...

Author:Katty Kane

My beautiful graphics are from Victorian on image to go see

her beautiful work.

