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~*~The Wonder Of You~*~

As I take you in my arms and holding you close..

I look deep into your eyes seeing the love shining out..

Amazement fills my very soul, that this angel in my arms...

Was meant to share this life here on earth with me...

Memories of our first meeting, through to this oh so special day...

Are bursting forth in harmonious sequence...

At this moment I feel like the luckiest man alive...

To hold you so close to me and to know that from this day forward...

Our lives are joined togther as husband and wife...

I think that I have loved you always, even from that first wonderous moment...

We compliament each other so well, like two halves of a whole...

I love the way you laugh, the sound of your voice, and the feel of your name on my lips...

As the words were spoken and we were joined together in marriage...

The promises we made are etched deep within my heart...

Promises I will always try to live up to in every way...

The wonder of you here in my arms as my wife...

Brings a lump of emotion to my throat

Happiness fills me and threatens to overcome me...

My heart is filled with love for you and the knowlege...

That you my beautiful wonderful wife fulfill me...

You make me complete, as if I have come full circle...

I am where I belong and with you to share it...

Ours will be a wonderful journey of discovery, one of many ups and downs...

But together we shall meet all we encounter...

With our joined strength and devotion...

As I look deeply into your eyes, seeing all your love shining out at me..

If you gaze deep within mine, you shall see...

All the love waiting there for you inside of me...

A soul that is so filled with the wonder of you...

And a heart that is yours alone...

Author: Katty Kane


