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Fan Fiction Archive
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Archived February 26, 1999
An Xfiles/Touched By An Angel Crossover
Title: A Fire For The Truth 1/4
Author: The_Mayz
Other URL:
Rating: PG
Classification: General Audience
Spoilers: none
Keywords: angst, Mulder/Scully Relationship, mythology
Summary: Scully lies dying while Mulder, with the help of a very
"special" agent, pursues her assailant. Both agents face personal truths about
themselves and Mulder faces something ancient, something dark, something
that tries to lay claim on his soul...forever.

Archived February 20, 1999
Title: The Truth You Leave Behind 1/1
Author: The Mayz
Rating: PG
Classification: General Audience
Spoilers: The Jersey Devil
Keywords: Mulder/Scully friendship
Summary: Mulder and Scully travel to rural Ontario
to search for a missing nature photographer and end up
involved in a mystery surrounding the possible existence of
an ancient mythological creature.

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