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"X" Marks the Link

Welcome to the secret "X" links.
Only the pentagon has access to this information.
Do you know you are in grave danger
just looking at this page?
Word has it that Cancerman will have no mercy
on any person who views these documents.
Signed - The Lone Gunmen

Other X-files Related Pages
Adopt an XPhile
Websites for X-Philes
XFileChic and MulderLuver's Home
The X Files, a fan fiction site
Kristen's Awesome X-files Pics
The X-files Essentials
The X-files Stuff (includes fan fiction)
Babily's X-files Webpage
Aaron's X-files Page
My Assorted X-files Shrine
The Little Known X-files
The Shipper's Guide to the Galaxy
Gossamer Fan Fiction Site...the biggest fan fiction site

Other pages on this site
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Stay tuned for more links soon!! Now get outta here before Cancerman catches you!