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Fan Fiction Crossover/Epilogue

A Fire For The Truth/Epilogue


"Scully," Mulder said, plunking his butt down on her desk. He grabbed one of the pencils from her desk and flung it at the ceiling. "Are you busy tonight?"

Scully looked up from the file she was studying. "Not really. Why do you ask?" She smiled, hoping it was what she thought it was.

"Well," he said. "We never do anything together but work, you know. And I have a friend who owes me a favour..."

"What are you getting at?"

"I have two tickets to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" Mulder reached into his suit coat pocket and produced the tickets.

Scully laughed and grabbed the tickets to look at them. She couldn't believe they were real. "Mulder, you don't like broadway musicals."

He snatched the tickets back. "But, you do. Maybe you could... enlighten me."

Was he asking her on a date? She wasn't sure, and it didn't even matter. They were friends. They were best friends. That was enough. It would be wonderful to sit in a theater with her best friend and just relax... no bad guys.. no aliens.. no conspiracies. "Sure, I'll go with you," she replied. "It'll be fun."

"Isn't that sweet?" Monica mused to her colleagues as they watched invisibly the two FBI agents whose lives could finally have more meaning than just chasing little green men. Oh, to be sure, they would still go on their adventures together, but now they could have a life too. That was a miracle.

"It's wonderful, Baby," Tess answered, putting her arm around Monica's shoulder. "And you did a great job. I know it was a tough assignment and I'm so proud of you."

"Oh, it wasn't so tough," Monica said, the memory of the pain and struggle already fading away in much the same way Weaver had. "Let's do it again!"

"No!" Tess, Andrew and Ariel answered simultaneously.

Andrew smiled. "You had a little help, Miss Wings..." he said, playfully.

"Yes, I did," Monica replied, glancing over at the warrior angel. "Ariel, I hope we get to work together again sometime."

Ariel nodded. "It would be a pleasure." He almost smiled.

"Well, if you're ever going to work with us again, High Tower, you had better lighten up a little," Tess said, only half complaining. "Come on...have a little fun."

Ariel nodded. "I will lighten up... as you wish."

Tess rolled her eyes. "Oh... brother. I'm gonna have to train this one. And don't think I'm intimidated just because you are tall as a tree, do you got that?"

" that," Ariel said. This time he really smiled. "Will the man called Mulder be all right now? Weaver may try to come back again to see if he can stake a claim."

"We'll be ready if he does," Tess replied. "For now, all's well that ends well, Angels."

"Yes," Monica agreed, taking one last look before leaving. "All is well."

"Mulder?" Scully asked. "What happened at the hospital... it was real, but I.. I don't know what to do with it. I mean, how do I go on now just doing the routine things? I feel as if I should be fulfilling some greater purpose."

"We are fulfilling a greater purpose," Mulder said. "We always have been. We just didn't know it. Monica said that God put a fire in my heart for the truth that no man has been able to quench. That's my gift. My purpose is to bring the truth to the light. It's more imperative than ever that we continue our work."

Scully was relieved. It was the answer she needed to hear. "It's nice to have God and angels on our side."

"Yeah," Mulder agreed. "Sure beats fighting the battles alone."

A white dove flew across the D.C. skyline, past the FBI building and into... eternity.

The End...
Story written and conceived by The_Mayz
copyright February 23, 1999

All X-files characters are the property of Chris Carter and The Fox Network.

All Touched By An Angel characters are the property of Moonwater Productions and the CBS Network.

The characters Weaver and Ariel are the property of The_Mayz.

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