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"Most weekdays I am working on Boy Meets World. My call time is usually 8:30 and my work starts off with school. At 6:30 a.m.

I'm not a morning person, so this is NOT my ideal wake up time. I do the typcial getting ready for school/work routine, which involves hair, make-up, getting dressed and a quickie breakfast consisting of fruit or yogurt. Seven o'clock I'm out the door about 7:15 and onto those dreadful California freeways.

I get to work by about 8:15, which gives me a few minutes to get my sleepy head together to start the day.

I have school from 8:30 until 10:00. I go to rehearse my scenes from 10:00 to 12:00 Ben Savage and Rider Strong and I go to lunch from 12:00 to 12:30

From 12:30 to 1:00 we have our P.E. time. We will usually work out or play a sport during this time.

After 1:00 it's back to the school room until three o'clock.

From 3:00 to 5:00 we continue with rehearsal, from 5:00 to 6:00 we have our run- through and notes (run-through consists of actually performing the entire show in front of all the writers and producers) After they have all seen the show, the executive producer will give us performance notes on each scene.

It's always a good day when I don't get any notes.

After notes are over, I'm back on those crowded freeways for the long trip home. Seven o'clock I usually sleep during this time. Pretty soon I'll have to stay awake, because as of May 5th 1997, I will be in the drivers seat.

8:00 - When I get home I like to relax with a cup of hot tea. I'll catch up on some phone calls and then eat dinner.

9:00 - After dinner, I always try to fit in a work out. I will either work out in our home gym, or sometimes I feel like going outside for a walk or a run. I usually have some homework, which is my next priority. If time allows after homework, I'm usually back on the phone!

11:00 - I usually go to bed after David Letterman. I always try to watch his show because I absolutely love him and enjoy his comedic talent. Sometimes if it has been a long hard day I just can't stay awake despite my efforts (Sorry David!).

12:30 - End of another perfect day in the life of Danielle Fishel."


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