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I've recently picked up some older magazines which I'll sell or trade. Most have some wear and the postal stickers, ask for more specific details. If interested in any let me know, thanks.

I do have 2 newspaper clippings I'll listen to offers on. Both are from the San Antonio Express. Dates are Nov. 23 and nov. 26 1963. (many JFK pictures, articles, etc. including JFK jr. "salute" front page picture).

American Birds. May 1978, July 1978 (almost 1000 pages), Sept 1978.
American Birds. (format change) May 1979, July 1979 (about 700 pages), Sept 1979, Nov. 1979, March 1980, May 1980, July 1980 (ditto), Sept. 1980 and Nov. 1980

Audubon. Sept. 1975, Jan. 76, May 76, Sept. 76, Jan 77, March 77, May 77 and Jan 79

The Beaver: Magazine of the North. Autumn 1969

Better Homes and Gardens. Jan-July 1977

Civil War (Ed. of American History ill.) 1972.

Collier's. Oct 30, 1953.

The Columbia Jester. Nov. 1930 (published during Depression)

Friends. (sponsored by Chevy) March 1966, June-Dec. 1966, June 1967, Oct-Dec. 1967, Feb. 1970, Aug. 1974 and March 1975

Holiday. May 1958. (The Vatican)

Liberty: Nostalgia Magazine. Winter 71, Fall 71, Spring 72, Summer 72

Liberty: Magazine of Religious Freedom. Jan/Feb. 1969

Life. April 28, 1961 (Liz Taylor gets Oscar and Bay of Pigs failure)
Life. Dec 3, 1965 (LBJ and Princess Margaret)
Life. April 10, 1970 (Dr Denton Cooley vs. Dr Debakey)
Life. Oct. 1984 (Doonesbury is Back)

Look. Aug 4, 1965 (part 2 in JFK series and Japanese women's rights)
Look. June 15, 1965 (Trujillo, Dominican Republic dictator)
Look. June 29, 1965 (changes in attitude towards age, sex, race)
Look. Feb 7, 1967 (part 2 of JFK death)
Look. Feb. 21, 1967 (part 3 of JFK death)
Look. March 4, 1969. (Ted Kennedy interview)

Louisiana Conservationist. July-Aug. 1969, Sept-Oct. 1969, Nov-Dec. 1969, and Jan-Feb. 1970

McCall's. Nov 1970 (Lady Bird's white house diary)
McCall's. June 1972

Natural History. Jan. 1976-April 1976, June 1976-July 1977 (in this series June/July are one and Aug/Sept are one)

New Mexico Magazine. Nov-Dec. 1969

Newsweek. July 13, 1964 (Mississippi 1964 a week after signing of Civil Rights bill)
Newsweek. Oct 5 1964 (Warren commission report on JFK assassination)
Newsweek. May 11, 1965 (the Warren court)
Newsweek. Aug 15, 1966 (Luci Johnsons wedding and UT tower shooting)
Newsweek. July 10 1967 (*Special issue, "The Vietnam War and American Life")
Newsweek. April 15, 1968 (MLK Jr. funeral cover, story)
Newsweek. Oct 28, 1968 (Jackie Onassis cover, story)

Post. Dec 2, 1967 (six seconds in Dallas, JFK story)

SA: The Magazine of San Antonio. May 1978

San Antonio Magazine Oct 80-March 81 ed. (Paul Thompson interview)

Scientific American. Feb 1956

Smithsonian. Jan 1976, Feb. 76, March-July 76, Oct. 76-Jan 77, March-Aug. 77 and Aug 78

Southern Living. May 1973

Struggle for Vicksburg (Ed. of Civil War Times) 1967

Texas Parks & Wildlife March 1972-Nov. 1972, Jan. 1973-April 1974, Feb 1976, Oct. 1978, Dec. 1978 and Oct. 1979

Time. July 17, 1964 (William Faulkner)
Time. Dec 24, 1965 (on the road to the moon)
Time. Nov 11, 1966 (Bishop Pike)
Time. Jan 3, 1969 (astronauts Anders, Borman and Lovell)
Time. March 21, 1969 (Astrologer Carroll Righter)
Time. April 25, 1969 (Ethel Kennedy)
U.S. News and World Report. July 22 1968

Wants Inserts Promotional Promos Sets
CCG Comics Toys Magazines

