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Ogryn Detachment

You must choose at least one command squad.

1 detachment HQ...............+25points

Up to 2 Command squads... .....18 points
Consists of 1 unit of Ogryn Boneheads (Hero).

Extra cost to:
Mount in a Gorgon.................. +14 points (Ogryns physically cannot fit into other troop carriers)

Main Force

Support Force

Up to 5 of the following for each command squad


Up to one support unit may be chosen for each Main Force Unit

Ogryn Squad...............................9 points
Consists of 1 or 2 Ogryn Units

Extra cost to upgrade to:
Mount in Gorgon...........................+14 points

Mech-Ogryn Squad............................................13 points
Consists of 1 old robot unit (robot, rapid fire)

Extra cost to:
Fit with Hvy wpns...................+ 6 points

'Ead Cruncherz (rampage)..........13 points
consists of 1 Ogryn 'Ead Cruncherz unit

Extra cost to:
Mount in Gorgon:.......................+14 points

Support weapons Battery...........................13 points

Consists of 1 to 3 support weapons

Heavy Ogryns (hvy wpns).........20 points
Consists of 1 Heavy Weapons Ogryn Unit

Extra cost to:
Mount in Gorgon.......................+14 points


Chain of Command:

Bonhead>Ogryn Unit>any other unit

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