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LAST UPDATE: It has to be said that the updates section was a waste of time - I always forget to update it!

BIG NEWS: is now its own site! Its planned to be the one-stop reference for all things epic, and is currently situated HERE. The URL has now been re-directed, so this site is back to being
In the mean time, much of the old stuff that has been on this site will continue to be here, mirrored on the new site alongside all the lovely new stuff!!

Weird World Wargaming can be viewed in Frames for easy navigation by clicking HERE .

Welcome to Wierd World. This is a Mega Wargaming site, one of a number of un-related sites which I currently run on the NET. The pic above (and NO thats not me)is becomming a bit of a trademark so if you see it on the front page of any other sites its probably mine - I have loads of alias'.

So? whats on the site I hear you cry? Everything! This is a miscellaneous site - home only to my brain - home itself to a load of useless crap and the odd bit of brilliant strategy.
A Large part of the site is dedicated to one of my hobbies - Hobby wargaming. I have been collecting minitaures and playing games for a long time now (considering I'm only 17) and am now delving further into the rich histories which are created by Games Workshop (one of the Games companies I use) and creating my own versions and add ons for games. On this site I am in the process of publishing some of my creations on the NET. This site is very much under construction most of the time - don't kill me if a link doesn't work - it will be sorted. All thats left to say is - Enjoy - and Please sign the guestbook and vote for My site!!

This bits boring - Legal stuff - miss it out.

For those of you who actually came here looking for some of this stuff - can I point out that this is an unofficial site not in any way connected to the Games Workshop Company or any of the other businesses I may mention if I get around to making this site big enough. All artwork on the Games Workshop part of the site is copyright owned by Games Workshop ltd. The following are all trademarks of Games Workshop Limited. Used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended: Games Workshop, Warhamer, Epic 40,000, Space Marines, Land Raider, Land Speeder, Ork, ThunderHawk Gunship,Rhino, and Titan.

I guess the real question is what parts are worth visiting? Well - heres the Links!!

Great parts - the main bits about The Hobby

A campaign I played for Epic 40K

My New/revised Units for the Game

Detachment Organisation sheets

The Marshes of the Western Continent - (WET EPIC on Chameleon V)

Short "clips" of the action on Chameleon V and stories that I have written around the subject.

Scenario Center
Cheater's Guide To Scenery
Fantasy EPIC Scenery + Models!

Hive Warrior: Da Mektown Mobsterz

Hive Warrior: New Roolz fer da Orkz! (generating them)

Hive Warrior: New Roolz fer da Orkz! (squig special roolz)


Rules for Hovercraft (NOT the same as skimmers!), Amphibious vehicles, Boats and Landing craft, New Scenarios to fight and more!! Click anywhere here to get the rules - see the models and play the game!!

Please Sign the Guestbook before you leave. On the Epic 40K front I would very

much appreciate any feedback you can give me - either leave a note here or you can e-mail suggestions to me at the address:
I Reply to all of the queries put into the Guestbook - the red type is me so please feel free to post your questions here so that they may benefit the other gamers!
I appreciate your input - thank you

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

PLEASE Click HERE to vote for my site to be AngelFire site of the month. Just add in "/on/chameleonv" into the provided box. THANK YOU!

Other stuff on here - the non-wargaming bits.

Cool, weird, strange, and funny things I have been sent in my mail and found on the NET

About me


You are theth person to blunder into this weird place!! - bad luck!
