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Weird World Miniatures Gallery
OK - here is where I stop telling you what you should be doing with your games and let you laugh at my pathetic (but some not so...) attempts at converting and painting. I have been collecting Games Workshop models for a long time, alongside many other formats of war-gaming miniatures - but as you are about to see that doesn't mean I am good at it!! Oh well - comments are welcome - advice/tips/places to shove them - anything can be left in the Guestbook - thank you!!
I know that I have just said that I can't paint, but even so I would like to point out that the models are slightly better than they appear due to the fact that they have all been scanned directly using a flatbed scanner

For those of you who are not familiar with the Games Workshop line of miniatures (Produced by Citadel), All Fantasy, GorkaMorka, and WH40K mini's are to a standard 28 mm scale. Epic 40K (including my Emperor's Eagles SM chapter) are a standard 6mm scale (1ft = 1mm)

Also - any of the images in the Gallery's can be viewed at their full size simply by clicking on the image.