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Imperial Aquatic Detachment

You must choose at least one command squad.

1 detachment HQ (Flagship)...............+25points

Main Force

Support Force

Up to 10 of the following


Up to one support unit may be chosen for each Main Force Unit

Albatross Squadron................30 points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 Albatross Heavy Boats.


Diver Squad................................................................17 points
Consists of 2 Imperial Guard Diver units.

Skeeter Squadron.................. 10 points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 Skeeter Patrol Boats.


Scuba Squadron..........................................................40 points

Blowfish Squadron...................17points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 Blowfish Landing Craft.


Bullfrog Squadron.......................................................21 points

A.T.C. Boat Squadron............22 points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 A.T.C. Boats.


Crocodile Squadron.....................................................32points

Wasp hover craft squadron ...30 points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 Wasp Medium Hover Craft



Hornet H.C. squadron ...........35 points per unit Consists of 1 to 3 Hornet Heavy Hover Craft.



Mosquito H.C. squadron .......19 points per unit
Consists of 1 to 3 Mosquito Light Hover craft.



Chain of Command:

Flagship>Main force unit>Any other unit

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